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Issues will never be solved unless someone brings light to it. I don't believe that I'll be that one striving force to finally let the world open their eyes to this issue, but I hope to be the that one small fountain of power which lends hope for the ones who fights daily and struggles for- and against this issue.

Whilst the world diligently works to solve issues such as racism and poverty, it often forgets an other very important problem that still exist in today's society- Ableism.

Ableism is the belief that a disability is seen as something to overcome or to fix, that it is an error or a failing rather than a simple consequence of human diversity, akin to race, sexual orientation and gender.

Not many people are aware of their ableist behaviour, mainly because society hasn't condemned it as a faulty one and thus discrimination and mockery towards people with disabilities still continues and is even being encouraged in movies, (i.e. The Wedding Ringer) something which our modern society would never allow with other issues such as racism.

What I'm about to show you is not simply a fictional love story between two people in a technological advanced society but a fictional world in where peoples differences are accepted and embraced as simply another trait that makes humanity blossom. It is what defines humanity but not the individuals. I want to show you that this does work, but that in order of it to work you have to open your mind to it, realise that in reality our differences doesn't make a difference unless we let it do so.

Hopefully this book can create warriors in this world who are able and willing to fight for this habitat of acceptance. If not, I hope that this book at least serves as a way to let people realise that the extent of our capabilities or our physical appearance is not what makes someone valuable as a human but the spark to fight forward in ways that nobody else could ever replicate.

Each of us have a story that sets us apart from one another but together we form the story of humanity. Let that story be a peaceful and prosperous one.


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