chapter 3

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I having the dream of saving Eric like I do every night but I woke up in the middle of it, I don't really know why I woke up. Guess I'm just nervous about training today. I know I wouldn't go back to sleep so I deicide to explore. I was walking around for a good 5 minutes before I heard the sound of the water, I started to follow the sound to get to the chasm. I was almost there and was to busy listen to the sound of the water hit the rocks very roughly that I didn't see the man in front of me. I ran into him and fell on my ass. I looked up as he started to talk to me, I just ran into Eric, shit I'm in so much trouble right now. He was talking to me but I was to caught up in my thought to know what he said! "What did you say? I didn't hear you" I told him, he glared at me then began to talk again. " I said what are you doing out here?" He said "I could ask you the something." I shouldn't of said that because I am now being pinned against the wall with him towering over me, "You should watch who you are talking to around here they won't be as nice as me, to you at least." Eric said then let go of me walking down the hallway but stopped when he noticed I was still standing there with my back against the wall. "Come on, I want to get there before I'm old." he yelled, "Where are we going?" I asked kind of scared he was going to pin me against a wall again. He just started walking and said "To the training room, I want to know if you can still fight." I ran to catch up to him and said "Lets see if being here for a year can actually help you win." I ran away not hearing his response but knowing he was running right behind me. It felt like old times when we would race to the gym at Erudite and me beating him in every fight. I was ahead of Eric so when I ran past some people in the hallways I saw them smile but then saw it quickly turn to fright when they saw Eric chasing after me. We finally got to the training room, I was just standing around because I didn't know what to do. I look over at Eric and saw him taking off his jacket and walk over to a fighting ring, I guess that what it is, It is raised off the ground. "We don't got all morning, so stop staring and get up here!" he sassed at me, "Damn, you don't have to be so sassy about it!" he gave me a glare so I decide to get up there to beat his ass, for the first time in a year. We circled each other for a little to see who would make the first move, I finally got tired oh going in circles so I faked a punch to his stomach then went he went to block his stomach I punched him in neck. He didn't waste anytime to throw a punch but I blocked it easily, I tried to kick him but he saw and caught my leg making me lose my balance and fall. Which meet he would pin me down and try to get me to surrender but it isn't going to work how it did a year ago. Fire and Hayden always try to make me surrender in a fight but I started to find ways out of the ways they pin me so I'm prepared for this. I was right he has my arms pinned down but my legs are free so I bring my knee up and kick him in the back with all my force. He let go and fell to the side, I quickly got up and pinned him making sure his arms and legs can't hit me. "Do surrender yet"  "Never!!" "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" We both jumped away from each other and looked up to see...... Four........ 

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