Cold Nights.

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(Hey so I didn't edit this, I wrote it at 1 a.m last night and now it's here. Requests are open at the moment so feel free to private message me or just comment.)

It must have been one in the morning, snow was falling hard and Gerard couldn't sleep.
Each little noise of icy snow on the roof reminded him of the lack of heat in the house, the space heater in the room jut wasn't doing it for him so he got out of bed and grabbed some fluffy blankets and a body pillow, which in the absence of Frank, he couldn't sleep without.
Gerard wandered to the fireplace in the living room where a few hot coals continued to emit a soft glow, he spread the blankets on the floor and tossed some logs on top of the coals, striking a match and tossing it on top of a few crumpled newspaper balls.
The fired crackled to life again, Gerard immediately felt safe and just the sound of the fire warmed him to the inside.
By this point though, Gerard wasn't even that tired anymore and he found himself curled up in the blanket next to the fire, resting but not yet sleeping, he stretched and yawned and wrapped around the pillow.
Gerard then felt something heavier dropped on him, He looked up and saw that Frank had dragged their huge duvet from the bedroom. Gerard instantly curled into it, he couldn't begin to explain the sense of security that swelled in his chest.
How he felt knowing there was a storm raging outside and he was safe inside, warm by the fire an wrapped in warm blankets that vaguely smelled of Frank. And Frank untangled the pillow from Gerard's arms and legs, replacing with himself. He buried his face in the crook of Gerard's neck, their arms wrapped around each other as they curled up in the duvet on the floor. Gerard wouldn't say he was angry that their furnace was broken, he would say he was glad he had Frank to keep him warm while the other sources of warmth were gone.
Frank hadn't said a word the whole time, he threaded his fingers through Gerard's hair and sighed.
Neither of them wanted such a perfect moment to end, but in certain circumstances,they could put each other to sleep in the most beautiful ways and they weren't boring in the slightest. No matter how quiet it got they never felt alone.
They both felt themselves drifting off into sleep, but before they did, Frank managed to say something through the hazy warmth that surrounded them both.
"Yeah?"Gerard's low sleepy voice could make him shiver sometimes.
"I love you so much baby."Frank murmured.
"I love you too Frank."
Neither of them spoke again that night, it was nearly impossible to tell which one of them fell asleep first but it didn't matter anyway.
They almost didn't want to wake up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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