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From @-

AnD: I dare him (or is this 'you') to put on a pinkiest puffy dress, skipping around and singing I'm a Barbie girl


Z: O-Okay.. (I got goosebumps while reading the dare)

Z: Trendorman!

*Trendorman shows up*

Z: Make me a dress. It must be pink and puffy!

T: *Trendorman's glasses slightly drops* Say what?

Z: Just do it already! 😠😠

T: *surprised* O-Okay. *makes dress in less than a minute* *hands it over to Zalgo* T-There. Why do you want a dress, anyway? And it's pink and puffy!

Z: *annoyed* Shut your invisible mouth or I'll put on a lipstick and kiss you like what I did to your brother. *points at Slenderman who still has a lipstick on his face*

T: *zips invisible mouth*

Z: I'm gonna wear this in a minute. *blushes* *goes to dressing room* *is been there for a few hours already* How do you f*cking wear this?!

*Trendorman shows up and helps Zalgo wear the dress*

Z: Now get out!

T: Okay. Okay.

Z: *goes out of the dressing room* *inhales then exhales* *started singing with his raspy voice* I-I'm a b-b-barbi-ie girl *starts dancing like a robot* i-in a ba-barbie wo-orld *then trips on dress and hits face on the ground* Oh my God, I think I did it.. *faints*

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