The Bachelor and Love of his wife chapter 7

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Zayn pov

I'm kind of worried about my wife today she's at work but she's also has a lot to deal with I mean she has to take care of me until I can walk again even though it was only a few weeks because I will walk again because of surgery I had but it's just been better the fact that she's pregnant carry octuplets also the fact that she has to finish the show she's working on and he has deadlines on her company good thing Jennifer from snuff another stepping up to help her out just my baby is so overwhelmed these days close now her mother is kidnapped my psycho and we still have no clue who the mastermind am that's the only thing that we can call the person that because coming here still have no clue

Zayn wheels himself into the Living room see Simon and can tell that Simon don't look so good

Zayn you okay dad to in Law

Simon I'm holding up I'm worried about my mother even though it was only a one nightstand texting me her still can good friends before I left and I did have some feelings for her but I didn't think it was right to start a relationship with her if I had to go down to the UK and she thought the same thing so we stayed in touch as good friends for a while and then we lost contact and I guess but when she found out that she was pregnant,

Zayn wow that kind of deep

Simon ya it is I was going to ask her mother it she wanted to give it a go and get together but now I need to hope and pray for the best that we will get her back safe and sound first because this is taking a lot out of people not knowing if she ok or not I need to find out if she is because I just got her and Pamela back in my life all thanks to you doing the show the Bachelor

Zayn well it was lucky that I did the show I always walked a way and did not do it but Harry talk me into so I'm happy that he did that because that means a lot to me that I found my beautiful wife

Simon ya it good because now I have my daughter in my life where he should be and stuff so I'm thankful that I have my daughter back into my life

Zayn ya and I hope she doing OK right now at work because I'm worried about her and I hate it when I don't know what going on because I love to know that my baby safe because of all the bullshit I'm going on out there you know I'm just happy that she's alright and safe and sound with me right now and I'm just praying and hoping that I will walk again soon because of that surgery

Zayn dad walks in of course you're going to walk again soon this is just the effects of the operation don't worry about it too much you're trying to show and prove the name of it is cuz I was talking to your therapist and explained everything to me and I understand of course of medically speaking because I'm a doctor so you're on the road to recovery you still going to six to seven weeks though but I mean you're looking good better than what we expected

Zayn I was really good to know anyway I think I need to get another and go to sleep for a bit

Simon good idea you don't want my daughter on you about not getting your rest

Zayn ya you are right about that she will not let me live it down

Simon which is a good thing because you have to take care of yourself my boy

Just then my wife came home and she heard us talking so she knew I was head back to bed for a bit and she was happy about that and she was home early so I did not need to worry about her being mad at me

Zayn hay baby you are home early

Pamela yes because I got a call from David he's holding my mother for ransom does he wants a lot of money and he said its not for him it's for the mastermind part of the mastermind plan is no choice to do what he's doing he said because you're being blackmailed more blackmailing going on who the f*** is this person doing all this

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