The Bachelor and the love of his wife chapter 14

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Pamela POV

later I was put to sleep then feel the same cuz I couldn't believe how much pain I was going to be it when I woke up I can hear cries that's right all of my babies are born thank God for a thing called a c-section because boy I was in a lot of pain

Zayn Hey Baby you awake know all the babies are born there a sign the one reason why they were born so quickly was because where are you had so many to carry and they just want it out I guess the doctors are checking them over and that they're all healthy we have four of each by the way for boys for girls so I think you'll be wanting to go on the pill mill then if you wanted me to use condoms more where do you want me to get the choppy choppy

Pamela no way in hell do I want you to have to get something done you this going to hurt so no just use condoms and I'll go on the pill and its something better than we have more kids then that's just more kids for us to love

Zayn you know I can always say I love you to death because you're such a sweetheart and you give me the most precious thing in my life my kids and your love let's just hope that when I can walk again I'll be a joyful thing for us so we can spend more time with the kids speaking of the kids are all out in the hallway with their grandparents that includes your father and their uncles that's what I mean the boys and their wives because the babies really want to see you there mommy and her oldest son is just worried sick make sure you're OK but that's the boy Tyler is he's always been over protective of you

Pamela yeah we had plenty of reason to be over protective of me considering they should have people that used to be in my life and that before I met you yeah I gotta understand where he's coming from anyway thank God I'm out of that situation now I'm safe and sound here with you where I belong but I can barely move right now the most of that just teach me up pretty good from that c-section haven't they water how things are going with my company and everything cuz right now I don't think I'm going to be able to go to work or take the shows are too much at all also during I had that bloody see you suction so its going to probably be busy for a couple of weeks me getting healed and trying to figure out how to juggle all the kids plus some juggling work on top of the later this is gonna be a busy busy thing to figure out

Zayn and you are a strong beautiful woman who I know can pull it off now get to sleep cuz you or the baby are the love of my life been tired you just gave birth to a lot of kids so sleep now rest and I'll be right here when you wake up and then you can see her kids and loving the baby's back when they know the babies have been Wade a bit more and then try to get them a certain weight and stuff so yeah they're so beautiful by the way

Pamela well I can't wait to hold them in everything

Hours later we came back to the room after making sure everything was okay and I was settled in my room I was thankful for that then when I looked around I see my family was there my youngest kids my oldest son even the girls in the labs next thing I know I was being tackled into a big group hug from all the girls I told them be careful cuz my stitches from the body c-section well least the pregnancy part is over but there's still a lot more to worry about Mike why can't my mother be here to see them be born I hope pray to God that she is safe and sound

Meanwhile Heather's pov

Name one good thing about having david has won the kidnappers least he's keeping me alive and try and help me get back to my family but I've got a feeling that something's going down like in a good thing I hope everybody is ok but what I feel like I miss something tonight but what with what I had to run to my mind David came in himself

David here you go I got you some extra food and everything on that when I was out around I mean I'm trying to keep you from getting sick and everything and then taking good care of you after all the masterminds a b**** big time but I want to be able to make sure everybody was okay mommy oh by the way every now and then when I leave here I check in on your family but looking into the window worse by somehow you're not going to believe this but I think you just had your grandkids and then cuz your mother because you're great because your daughter has gone into labor again so be up you've got a lot of grand babies

Heather I can believe it I missed the baby's birth but we still see some live least I'm fighting this to get out of here its crazy but when are they going to send the ransom of them and everything I hope things work out ok

David well I know one thing's for sure we're going to have to keep you alive and get you back home that family yours anyway I'm going to go figure out and find out what my next to where is her from the mastermind you guys take it easy like a Sims College eyes and you for everything I put your family through before this is just me and trying to get you out of a situation now I'm home safe and sound just too much of the one on for my liking right now I thought better so I take it easy and stuff but I know one thing's for sure I just want to get home to my family be there with the kids my life and try to have another chance with love with Simon again

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