the Bachelor and the Love of his wife chapter 10

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Pamela POV

I want to work like any other day thinking that today is going to be just an ordinary day when I get there I find an envelope on my desk that's right I pick it up and I read it is from one of the people that has my mother doesn't say who it is just says that they're on the inside and they're going to help to try to get her out and time all review revealed when I think to myself thank God because we had someone on the inside when my son was kidnapped and that work too so hopefully it will work out again now these are people that are doing stuff for the mastermind. Cuz they want to because the mastermind of black man in them whoever the mastermind is definitely playing with their minds and their hearts just wish I understood why this person must do this and what is going on with this person I don't know if the mastermind is a guy I don't know the mastermind is a girl all I know is its got to stop

Pamela baby you seem like you need to get some rest and stuff cuz right now I think you got too much going on in your mind by the way if therapist it'll be coming in about an hour or why don't I get you out of that we love her and get you to set up the kitchen table for a bit because your family have to call the kids out somewhere since it's Saturday it's just you and me her until the nurse and therapist get here and not to mention the maid is on the way over

Zayn everything going to come out of rest and do what I gotta do and I know I'll get through this all what does support from you I love you baby

Pamela love you to

Zayn baby just need to come home early for a reason where was that was that not that happy you're home or anything but just curious to why all the sudden you home early cuz you know I'm happy that your arm but you know what I mean

Pamela well I got a letter stating there some on the inside help my mother so I come home till everybody about it and I'm too worked up to stay there today I just can't shake what's going on I really hope we can get her out of there safe and sound so I came home I'm not just that I'm worried about you but I know how you find it hard being in that wheelchair and deal with things just feel like I got a lot on my plate today plus the fact the babies are not mad at me rest cuz they keep tossing and turning around my stomach

Zayn come here baby

Pamela sit in zayn lap

Zayn stars rubbing Pamela stomach until the babies to behave in there hey you kids and they're taking you there mommy he used to be able to rush to you know

Pamela how do you always get them settled down under your touch cuz like when you start doing that they just restore to relax

Zayn because they know I'm there. You know what I I'm daddy and I know what is telling them for their own good so they could take it easy on you wanted to go rest you have been sleeping good the last four or five nights as you may have half the night throwing up and everything you're worn out baby

Pamela I can handle things I think I got to keep up around here somehow still there. Hoping everything but sometimes I feel like I gotta be really on top of things if I want to get things done and get work done in get everything ready in that plus I got to get ready for later on this evening when I have to go and see Tyler's football game cuz I promised them I would and I'm taking you to it too and your wheelchair cuz you said you would be there to you said you never ever going to let him down that regard even if you're in a wheelchair but you still have to take it easy cuz I'm right you're still supposed to be on bed rest but you definitely don't want to miss his game so I got the OK from the doctors to take you to the game as long as you stay in the wheelchair with an IV up to you to you later with a little stronger

Zayn brother knew something like that the miss my son's game and plus I haven't been out of this house for god knows how damn long I mean I've been doing my work here and everything and when I go to the game I'm going to be sitting in a special van that's made for people looks like this when I have a couple nurses with me so I could see the game I won't be able too many people could see me but other where I can see the game and the porting

Pamela yeah all the lads and girls want to go and supporters game as well for right now I'm just trying to figure out something if they have any leads on to finding my mother this is scary sometimes not knowing because she's my mom and I want to know that she safe last night I had a nightmare and I don't know if she was okay or not

Zayn I'm quite aware of that nightmare baby had to wake you up 4 and calm you down

Pamela sorry I was having that bad of a nightmare but I couldn't help it I just praying hoping she'll be ok I mean we went through this when Tyler was kidnapped now we have to go through this is my mother is kidnapped when the people ever learn to just let us be

Zayn it could be a long while baby quick we need to be positive and all of this if we're going to get your mother back safe and sound if we're going to find out who bloody mastermind is we don't know what he or she is doing but as far as I know it's got to be a guy but then again it could be a woman but if its a woman this is really going to take me for a loop


Perrie brothers pov

I was watching this medicine to make sure they're OK little do they know what he said that about the woman they don't know how far down on they are and that will throw them for them that's as far as I can see if there was the mastermind is a woman but will never know what her plan is just trying and praying and hoping but I can do my job as an agent and get this all to stop in time to have everybody safe and sound again but is scary not knowing I know one thing I will do everything in my power to help them

With that night I went off to do what I had to do with an agent sorry that I'm being so secretive but if I don't do this I will never know how to bring down the mastermind

The Bachelor The Love Of His Wife Book 5 In The Bachelor SeriesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant