Pool Party!

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Emma and Lewis walked into their new school. It was Wednesday morning, and they finally finished registration. She hadn't seen or heard from the other two since the Sunday they discovered they had powers, and she hasn't been in the water since. She wondered if Austin ever found his power, if he even had one.
Austin sat with Ash in the courtyard as he Waited for Ash to finish his cereal.
Ash looked at the water bottle beside Austin, "could you hand me that?"
Austin went to grab it, but noticed the water dripping from the bottle and remembered what would happen if he touched it. Austin retreated his hand, and shook his head.
Ash frowned, "oh yeah, sorry forgot."
Austin gave Ash a smile, "it's fine, It's new to me too."
"What's new?" Nate and Zane walked up to their friends.
Zane placed his hands on Austin's shoulders, and squeezed them, "hey, queerie."
Austin looked down, ignoring them.
Ash cleared his throat, "has anyone seen the two new kids today?"
Nate raised his eyebrow, "why?"
"Because he likes Emma," Austin stated.
"Who's Emma?" Nate asked.
Zane squeezed Austin's shoulders tighter, "the new girl that Austin and Cleo stole my boat with!"
Zane smacked Austin in the back of the head.
Austin smacked Zane's hand away, "we didn't steal it! You trapped Cleo on it and Emma and I tried helping her but your boat went out of control, and we flew to Mako Island."
Zane smirked, he loved getting Austin angry, "whatever, lie about it. Boats don't go out of control on their own."
"Yours did... Look, I don't wanna talk about this," Austin got up, and left the group.
Zane took his place at the table, "what's wrong with him? He's been on edge since the incident at Mako."
Ash shrugged, "it was probably a traumatizing experience. You need to lighten up, and stop being so mean to him. Especially if you want him to sleep with you."
Nate laughed, and Zane shoved Ash, "I'm not gay!"
Ash laughed, "okay, I'm gonna go find the new girl."
Nate waved, "good luck. I hear she's super uptight, she's not gonna go out with someone like you."
Ash smirked, "you never know, what if she's into me?"
Zane and Nate shook their heads.

Cleo and Emily walked to their lockers.
"Are you going to Miriam's party?" Emily asked.
Cleo sighed, "I can't, it's a pool party."
"You don't have to go in," Emily stated, "I don't want to be alone there, and we have to go. Our reputations are at stake."
"Emily, I would love to go, but Zane and Nate will try to throw me in the pool and if I get wet.." Cleo trailed off, not wanting to mention her situation.
Cleo shook her head, "I can't risk it."
"But isn't Austin go?" Emily remembered, "I mean, he goes wherever the guys go, and I think he was gonna hang out with Amy."
Cleo furrowed her eyes brows, "he better not go."
"Ladies!" Nate placed his arms around Emily and Cleo.
The girls rolled their eyes, "Nate."
Zane, Ash and Austin walked up, following after Nate.
"Austin, you're going to Miriam's party Saturday, right?" Emily asked.
"Of course he is," Zane answered, for him, and wrapped his arm around Austin.
Cleo looked at Austin and shook her head.
Austin glanced at her, "I... Don't know if I can..."
"But Miriam is throwing this party for Ash, and I thought you were Ash's best friend. What kind of best friend misses a party?" Nate wondered.
"No, no it's fine. I understand if you can't go Austin. I mean, you probably don't want to be around water for a while after that incident at Mako," Ash tried helping Austin out of going to the party.
Austin smiled at him, "yeah, exactly. I'm really sorry."
Zane smiled, "but, Austin if you go, I'll kiss you."
Nate laughed, they were obviously joking.
Cleo could see how the joking bothered Austin, and she felt bad for him, "oh, Zane you finally came out of the closet?"
Zane shoved Austin away, "I'm not gay! But someone has to get Austin to go."
"Go where?" A new voice popped up.
Lewis slid between Nate and Cleo, "hey, Cleo."
Cleo smiled at the cute blonde, "hey."
Emma came over on the other side on Emily.
Emily looked at the two new faces in their group, "you guys must be the new kids. I'm Emily."
Emma stared at her, "Emily?"
Emily, Cleo's friend that knew about them.
Emily smiled, "yeah.."
Lewis cleared his throat, "hey, Emily, I'm Lewis. That's my sister, Emma."
Lewis looked around the group, and his eyes stopped upon Zane. Zane was ignoring the new comers, because his eyes were focused on the boy to his right. Austin was focused on his phone now, trying to figure out where Amy was and if she could come save him from this conversation.
Zane felt eyes upon him, and glared at Lewis, "got something to say to me, Blondie?"
Lewis glared back, "I didn't know someone as horrible as you could have friends!"
Zane stepped forward, but Ash pulled him back, "Zane, let it go."
"Back to the topic at hand here, people," Emily called the group's attention.
"Right, the party," Nate spoke up, "Austin, you're going!"
"Party?" Lewis questioned, "what party?"
"Miriam is throwing a party for Ash at her house," Emily explained, "you two should come. It's a chance to meet people."
Emma looked over at the tall brunette beside her, "your party? So... Is it your birthday?"
Ash smiled, "no... I won a surf contest and everyone wants to celebrate. But, it's not important, so it doesn't matter if you can't go."
Emma blushed, "well... It would be nice to meet people there."
"But, Emma," Cleo interrupted, "we must warn you, it's a pool party. You might get wet!"
Emma frowned, and glanced at Cleo, and then Austin, who was now looking up from his phone at her. Emma remembered that getting wet wasn't an option for them.
"That doesn't matter to Emma," Lewis answered for her, "she loves the pool, she's a champion swimmer."
Emma shook her head, "I don't know."
"You don't know?" Cleo glared at Emma.
Before she could say anything, the bell to class rang, and the group departed.
Emma found her first class, Geometry, and headed in.
"Emma!" A familiar voice called.
Emma looked over at the dark skinned girl in the front row. Megan beamed a huge smile and patted the desk behind her.
Emma smiled and walked over, "at least I know one person in this class."
Megan smiled, "I'm glad, how's your first few days in America been?"
Emma sighed, oh, fine, besides the fact that I was stranded on a mysterious island with two strangers and now every time I touch water, I grow a tail, "strange."
Megan shrugged, "you'll get used to it."
Emma raised her eyebrow, that was very unlikely. Emma didn't think she'd ever get used to being what she is.

H2O: Just Add Water (Alternate Universe Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon