Party People

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Lewis sat in his boat, reading his mermaid book while his sister swam about under water.
Emma popped up beside the boat, looking at her brother, "you need to get out more."
"You're one to talk," Lewis continued reading his book.
"I'm serious, Lewis. We've been in America for almost three weeks now we need to start making friends, and stop being so anti social. We're gonna start to come off as weird," Emma explained.
Lewis glanced at her, "have you seen yourself lately, you're already passed the line of weird."
Emma rolled her eyes, "I know! I'll have a sleepover, and invite all the girls from school. I mean I used to have annual sleepovers back in Australia, so why not start them here?"
Lewis shrugged, "a bunch of teenage girls over at the house? Sounds fun, actually."
Emma splashed Lewis with her tail, "you're not invited."
Lewis sighed, "but, how am I supposed to make friends?"
"Why don't you hang out with Austin?" Emma suggested.
Lewis shook his head, "no way. No offense to Austin, but his group of friends include Zane and Nate."
Emma pursed her lips, "I'm sure Austin wouldn't mind hanging out with you, without them."
Lewis shook his head, "no he wouldn't. He's a guy, guys travel in packs. He'll invite at least one of them."
"I'm sure he's more likely to invite Ash then Nate or Zane," Emma mentioned.
Lewis shrugged, "I'm still don't know."
"Well, I do, and next time I see him, I'm telling him to invite you to hang out, even if it is with Zane. We're not gonna be the new anti social Australian twins that only talk to each other."
Emma swam off before Lewis could protest.

"Your new job is at the marine park?" Emily asked, over the phone while Cleo gathered fish to feed the dolphins with, "yep, the dolphin tank."
Emily shook her head, "isn't the tank like full of water?"
Cleo rolled her eyes, "of course the tanks full of water, Emily. They are aquatic mammals.... yes I do remember what water does to me, but I'm not gonna let that run my life."
Cleo watched her new boss march into the room, "look, Emily, I really wanna make this work."
"Cleo!" Cleo's boss gave her a sarcastic smile.
"I gotta go," Cleo quickly hung up. She grabbed her hair net, placing on her head. Gathered up the tongs and bucket of fish.
Cleo's boss gave her a strange look, "are you alright?"
Cleo smiled, "yep! Ready when you are."

Austin and Zane sat around Zane's living room, waiting for Ash and Nate to arrive.
"How long does it take to pick up some coke?" Zane complained.
"It is Nate," Austin reminded Zane.
Zane shook his head, "can't get him to do anything."
Nate and Ash arrived with a cooler of cokes.
"Guys ready to go?" Nate asked.
Austin raised his eyebrow, "go where?"
Zane looked at him, "my dad bought me a brand new boat, after somebody wrecked mine. We're gonna go test it out on the water."
Austin and Ash exchanged looks.
Ash cleared his throat, "you didn't mention anything about that today."
"Yeah, I'm not... really up for boating right now," Austin shook his head.
Zane frowned, "what? You're kidding, right?"
"What's the matter, Austin? You have one bad night in the water, and now you're scared of it?" Nate laughed.
Austin stared at Nate, he really didn't want to tell Nate and Zane about his secret, but could he trust them?
Austin looked down, ignoring Nate.
Ash sighed, "well, I really don't want to go out on the boat either, right now."
Zane shook his head, "too bad. I got a brand new boat, and I want to show it off. Austin, you're lucky I'm even inviting you on it, considering you are one of the people that wrecked the first one."
Austin glared at Zane, "because, you pushed Cleo off to drift. It's not any of our fault!"
Austin felt enraged at Zane's constant blaming him and the girls, if it wasn't for that damn boat he would be able to go out on this new one. He wouldn't have to hide from Nate and Zane. He could be normal.
He felt heated, his hands were hot, and so were his cheeks.
"Ah!" Nate shouted, dropping the steaming cooler, as boiling water exploded out of it.
The four boys jumped back, Austin held his feet up, as water spread across the floor.
Austin stopped himself from boiling the water.
Zane glared at Nate, "what the hell, Nate? Now I have to clean that up before my dad gets home."
Zane stormed upstairs to collect some towels, pulling Nate along to help.
Ash looked back at the water, then attacker Austin, "did.. you do that?"
Austin nodded, slowly.

H2O: Just Add Water (Alternate Universe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now