Young Love

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Austin sat outside at the tables working on his homework from over the weekend.
Ash and Amy sat down beside him, watching Zane and Nate pass by on their way to the lockers. Amy caught a glimpse of the glare Zane shot at Austin, who shook his head, ignoring it.
"Why is Zane so mad at you?" Amy asked.
Austin sighed, "well... we were kissing on the beach, and a wave crashed up, and I ran for cover. Zane didn't understand why I did that, and i couldnt tell him, so he got a little angry. Also, he's fed up with my 'water phobia' and refuses to make amends until I 'get over it'."
"By get over it, you mean tell him the truth?" Ash corrected Austin.
Austin looked away from them, "I can't tell him. "
"Why?" Amy asked, "because Emma and Cleo say it's a no no."
Austin rolled his eyes, "even if they didn't care, it would still be stupid. Zane can't be trusted."
Ash shrugged, "how do you expect him to be trustworthy, if you won't even give him the chance to be trusted? I don't want to defend him here, but I doubt Zane would ever do anything that would put you into real danger."
Austin didn't know what to say to that, yeah, Ash was right, Zane wouldn't go so far as to endanger Austin, but still, Zane was too complicated to really trust.
Austin took a deep breath, "I think I would be a lot more comfortable trusting him, If I knew how he really feels."
"Why don't you just ask him?" Amy asked.
Ash gave Amy a look, "ask him, Amy? Are you stupid? It would set Zane off, he would know Austin has feelings for him, and he would torment him forever."
"But, obviously he does have feelings for you, right?" Amy observed, "you just said you guys were making out on the beach."
"But that's the problem! I don't know if Zane really does have feelings for me, because one minute he acts like he does, and the next he pretends it was a joke and is a complete ass. And I'm just so confused, and I really wish he would just tell me how he really feels!" Austin huffed out.
Ash and Amy stared at him a moment.
"Wow..." Ash let out, "way to let it all out there, Austin."

Cleo and Emily hid behind a plant, nearby the lockers, watching Lewis and Tiffany talk.
Cleo scowled, "they've been talking for the last half hour, I think they came to school together."
"I think you're overreacting," Emily giggled.
"Am not!" Cleo stumbled a bit, revealing their hiding spot.
"Cleo?" Lewis looked at them.
Cleo gave him a fake smile, "hey, guys."
Tiffany raised her eyebrows, "why were you guys hiding behind that plant?"
"We weren't," Cleo lied, "we... were trying to figure out if it's real or not. Emily was curious."
Emily gave Cleo a confused look, before turning back to Tiffany and Lewis, "yeah... It was bothering me. You know, when you question something, and then you can't stop thinking about it."
Lewis and Tiffany nodded, it did make a little sense.
"So, what are you guys up to?" Emily asked.
Tiffany smiled, "oh, I just asked Lewis to help me with this biology homework. I really couldn't figure it out, and he is really smart."
"Oh," Cleo nodded, a little relieved.
Tiffany sighed, standing up, "thanks again for the help, Lewis. See you guys in class."
As Tiffany walked off, Lewis stood up, walking over to the girls, "so, why were you spying on me?"
Cleo scoffed, "we were not spying."
Lewis rolled his eyes, "like I believe that you were really studying the plant."
"What if we were?" Cleo asked, "just because we're pretty doesn't mean we can't be smart. And what's the real reason you were helping Tiffany, huh? Do you like her?"
Lewis smiled, "oh, I see. You're jealous, that's why you were spying."
Cleo gasped, "I am not jealous!.... I just don't want you getting hurt, remember Tiffany is Miriams best friend."
"But Tiffany is a lot nicer than Miriam," Lewis stated.
"So you do like her," Cleo concluded.
Lewis shook his head, "why do you care who I like anyways?"
Cleo thought about that for a moment, "I dont. Emma does, she asked me to spy on you."
Lewis raised his eyebrow, "Emma has way too much on her mind to be worrying about me. Plus, I haven't seen Emma since this morning when she rushed out of the house to go talk to someone about animals, and their rights or something along those lines."
"Animal rights club, you mean?" Emily assumed, "why does Emma want to join that?"
Lewis shrugged, "I think, she's trying to invest her time into something to fill the void that swim team held."

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