Chapter Two: Black Paint

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chapter two: Black Paint

"My Flower." he whispered as he lovingly stroked the coolness away from my arm. "My delicate, sweet Flower." He continuously cooed at me, bringing chill bumps to race up and down my flesh. Looking at the way my body reacted, a slight toothy smile floated to his lips as he lazily traced the bumps on my skin. "Beautiful." he smirked as if he did not realize he was still talking out loud. "I love the way your body reacts to my words." He spoke as he pulled me into him, bringing a sloppy, wet kiss square on my lips.

It was like venom was passing through my lips, causing light headedness and nausea. And not in the romantic way many talk about in the novels when they kiss their true love for the first time. No. This, this is like the feeling you get after you do something wrong or when you have been anticipating something for a while. It was a sick and reevaluating. The longer he worked his lips on my still ones, the grosser with myself I felt. I was to scared to pull myself away for the fear of what he would do, so I just let him continue to do as he bid.

"Mmm my Flower." again he murmured, but not into the air, but upon the thinness of my neck.

"Answer me!" He growled suddenly as his hands encircled my arms and began to shake my body. With each shake that rattled my head even more, his hands wrapped tighter around my arms causing bruising to form under the grizzlyness of his hands. "Now." he forcefully whispered as he pulled my dress away causing my undergarment covered body to shiver with coldness. "Why wouldn't you answer me?" he questioned angrily as he reached behind him and pulled down on a leaver that sat in the wall that brought down gallons and gallons of cold, sticky, metallic, blood that coated my almost naked body leaving me standing in others blood and my own urine.

Jousting awake my hands immediately went to my breasts to make sure their only cover from the world was not just my red bra. Satisfied that they were covered with proper clothing my hands sought out my face to help get rid of the cold liquid that laid plastered there. Wiping and wiping, I did not stop till a hand gripped my wrist and pulling me into reality and looking into wide, amber eyes.

"It's water. Calm down." her smoothing voice spoke as she took a step back. "I am sorry. I didn't know dumping water on you would cause such a reaction." L spoke in a tone that almost made you think she knew I would react like I had.

"Why would you dump water on me?" I asked, barely audible as I was still catching my breath.

"You would not get up. Get ready, the day has started." was her blunt response as she slithered out of the room and back down the hall and behind a click of a door.

A dream. It was a dream. I concluded as I checked at my covered body once more. It is ironic how dreams that are meant to be lovely and filled with warmth can also cause such destruction. During the day we dream of happiness and thoughts of love, while at night we dream of our worst fears that we keep buried within. The fears that we keep at bay to keep sanity. It is funny how our subconscious causes that much torment to our souls over something that we cannot control. Maybe that is what scares us the most; the loss of control.

"Get up!" the mellowed yell floated through the air and to my ears. Sighing I placed my feet delicately on the carpet covered floors as if I was trying not to wake the monster that was up above.

Looking around I began to know that I was really here. This was not just some messed up, twisted dream my subconscious had conjured. This was reality. The reality of Hell. With this man as Satan himself lurking around every corner just waiting to get his next catch of the day.

Shutting the door behind me I began walking down the dim hallway to the living room. With each delicate step I took, the carpeted floor boards moaned in resistance as I held my breath in nervous stealth.

I was nervous of what I would see on the other side of that corner. I was new. I did not know what to expect. Would I see her blood smeared on the walls in an undeceivable message of death? Would my senses become so over loaded I could not even breathe let alone think? Thoughts of panic ran through my mind as fast as a runner would be cross the finish line. My breathing became heavy as my palms became sweaty and my walking slowed to a murmurous creep as a neared the corner.

Keeping my body pressed hard on the cold wall I was nervous of what I would see on the other side of that corner. I was new. I did not know what to expect. Who was this man? What did he want with me, us; them? Why would he single me out of all the women in this town?

I felt the corners of my eyes glass over with tears as I thought more about the predictions as I rounded the corner, but there was nothing. Nothing was there that would cause peer distraction on my subconscious. Turning my head I looked at that white door.

That idiotic white door. That white door that sat smugly at the top of the stairs was the end of everything I have ever known. White is supposed to be pure and innocent and reflect something good in this world. Ironically that white door expressed none of those concepts. This white door should have been painted black. A emberious black.

"Staring at the door will not open it." suddenly voiced L from behind me.

"But one can hope." I whispered back as I turned to face her.

"Here. Take these and clean the bathroom. He likes us to keep our quarters clean." saying this she forked over the tin bucket containing various rags and cleaning supplies that she held in her hands. "Also when you're done with that I would clean yourself up. He really doesn't like to look at messes." looking me up and down once more she exited the room with inpowerment resting on her thinned shoulders.

Sighing, I glanced that ironic door once more before following her direction and pushing the bathroom door open.

As I silently cleaned my hair that was left on the floor, I decided I was not going to survive. I was not going to become an empty shell of myself, something I would have never been in the outside world. I was going to prosper. I was going to live and get the hell out of this place. I, Ashlen Renee Porter, was no longer going to feel pity for myself, no longer going to shed a tear, and was no longer going be to fearful. I was going to escape and I was willing to do whatever it took to leave this place even it if meant holding hands with the monster himself.

Walking out of the bathroom, I held my head high as I walked toward the kitchen.

"Do you mind helping with dinner? He will be down every soon and I'm not quite ready." not saying anything I sat the bucket on the floor with a tink, and walked over to the counter where dishes and silver ware sat ready to be placed on the rustic oak table. "Thank you." she breathed as she whipped flour on her apron and pushed her dish into the oven. "He's coming." L simply voiced before the door in the front room pushed open and heavy foot steps declined down the stairs causing me to put my poker face on. 'Game on' I thought as the monster took his last step off the stair well.


It's been a while, I know I'm awful. But new year more chapters? < let's hope :)

-Your Author

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