Chapter Three: Corner

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chapter three: Corner

Placing the last fork on the napkin I looked up and once again to met the eyes of the man that kept me here. Yet today his eyes looked different. They held an emotion so deep within them that it was like he was barley even there...

The days that I have known him he has always been calm and collected. Like he knew what I was going to say and when I was going to say it. It was like he did not need to be on alert because he knew I could not doing anything to him. But today I knew it was different. His hair was not combed to perfection like it always has been. His clothes looked a bit disheveled as if he was more worried about what was going on around him and not what was going on with him. He was like a lost animal who had strayed away from its pack, left to defend for itself.

Helpless. He looked helpless yet he held so much power. Like a lion cub who will soon grow into his ferocious growl.

"Hello." He said pulling the attention from my thoughts and back to himself.

"Hello." I said back with a level voice.

"Hi, my master. How have you've been today?" L asked enthusiastically while a smile tugging on her face as if she had been waiting all day to ask this man such a simple question. Still looking at me with eyes that held me captive he dismissed her question with a solid wave of his hand.

Promptly sitting down in his chair, L quickly rushed over to place and serve his meal. Again, like the night before I was told to sit on his right hand side like I was some type of gift for him.

"Sir, what is bothering you so much?" L inquired when she sat on his other side. My stomach started to turn in disgust by the way she was acting toward him.

"My lovelies, we are having a special visitor coming tomorrow morn. With this being said, it would be greatly appreciated if breakfast would be served at eight sharp. Do not be late." The skidding of his chair echoed his words has He left, leaving his plate untouched.

Sighing, I pushed my chair back so I could stand. Hunger has not made itself known to me since my kidnapping. It was as if my body was trying to put all her energy into finding away to escape. Her plan was not about survival. Her plan was to concur. A simple meal was not in her game plan.

"If you could actually be some type of help that would be great." her snark comment stopped me in my thoughts. Swiftly turning on my heel, I stared down to her as she was still seated at the dining table. Feeling anger completely grab on to me, wrapping itself around my body like snake would its prey, I launched into an attack.

"I may be held here captive by that devil upstairs," I began gripping the seat till my knuckles formed a ghostly hue. "But I will not let you try to control me like he does to you. I do not know what happened here before I was brought into this hell hole. Nevertheless, I am not going to be a little puppet held together by three strings . I never answered to anyone before I got here and I don't expect to start now. I am Ashlen Porter and I am going to get the fuck out of here. And I will die trying."

I puffed in rage. Looking around for an object that would add on to the show I just gave, I grabbed the plate that was closest to me and turned it at an upright angle causing the cooling mush to tumble onto ground by my feet. "I think you can help yourself with this." I said as I watched her face transform from shock to searing anger while I strolled to the door that brought me safety in this crumbling atmosphere.

Springing up, I wiped the perspiration from my forehead while I gathered my breath. Nightmares: a recurring situation that needs to go away. Sighing softly, I pushed the worn comforter away from my body and pressed my feet softly onto the floor below. Paddling to my door, I turned the handle to reveal the darkened kitchen. I continued to my destination as I turned left to head to the bathroom. I was stopped abruptly when I heard the heavy breathing coming from living room. Pushing my body against the nearest wall, I felt sweat begin to pool at the back of my neck and my upper lip.

This was strange, not normal for what I have observed. I slowly inched toward the source of noise as I hoped the wall would shallow me whole.

"Master." a breathy moan broke the nightly air. I knew that voice. That voice belonged to the only other female inhabitant of this basement; L.

'What the hell is she doing?' I thought as I finally reached the opening of the hallway. Grabbing onto the corner of the wall, I peaked my head around to come across a scene I never thought in a million years I would see.

Braced against the wall was a woman, who I thought I was beginning to understand, trapped in a state of euphoria. Her head thrown back in pleasure as our capture kept his head pinned to neck as if it was his life source. Coiling back in disgust, I scamped back into my room and buried my body into the corner furthest away, completely terrified He would come after me next.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2016 ⏰

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