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The bass blared in my ear drums as I tilted the clear liquid down my throat. Letting out a gasping grunt with a tight squint of my eyes I placed the shot glass down on the bar.

"Yo, Amber, I'm going into the crowd." I informed my pink haired friend as I stood, holding onto the metal chair for support.

"Remember if you slag 'em wrap 'em." she yelled over the music as I walked away.

Staggering to the middle of the dance floor I started swaying my hips to the upbeat 21st century music as I soaked in this carefree atmosphere. Lolling my head I brought my hands over my head not even minding the short sequenced skirt that I wore was riding even higher up my thighs as I continued my sweet duet with the roaring music.

"Hello dear." a deep voice whispered in my ear. Opening my eyes I was met face to face with a beautiful specimen of a human. His nicely kept hair was swept to the side which enhanced the coolness of his brown eyes. "I've been watching you for a while now." he smiled as I continuously studied his features. With the fluorescentness of the over hanging light his pale skin seemed almost transparent drawling attention to his angled jaw and perfect teeth. He was honestly beautiful standing at a good six foot four all wrapped up in a black worn in leather jacket.

Blinking out of my trance I slithered my hands over his shoulders and smirked, "Is that so?" He did not reply as his body became tense and rugged as my hands made their way to mess up his perfectly combed head. "No need to be tense babe. There is no need. As Disney once said; Hakuna Matata. No worries." I cooed at him as I still unraveled his hair, leaning into his body. 

I was drunk. So bloody drunk I was fondling this man and easing him with words from Disney. I was so drunk I would not have minded to take him home and really enjoy his beauty, all his beauty. But I had an excuse for my drunkness. It was my twenty first birthday and as an American citizen this was the one time I could get drunk off my ass and no one could say shit about it. Not even my strict parents and their high expectations.

Sliding my nail down to the base of his neck I felt him shudder and watched from my peripheral vision as his fists squeezed so tightly the viens began to surface along his forearms. That is when I realized he had not touched me yet. Not at all.

Slowly retracting my arms off him I stepped back, even in my drunken state I could tell if I stepped over a boundary.

"Umm I-"

"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked cutting me off and gathering my hand into his significantly larger, course hand.


"I know you do, come on." he stated. With a slight pull I hastfully followed him through the crowded dance floor and out the front door of the night club. We did not stop till we reached a glossed Range Rover two blocks over. "Get in." was his statement when he opened the passenger door.

Looking one more time into his dark eyes I saw something. Something I could not explain. Something haunting; dark within itself. Still looking in his eyes I lowered myself on the leather seat and watched as he walked to the other side of the car and got in.

"You ready, Flower?"

"Ready? Ready for what?" I asked smirking with slight confusion. Through my drunken fase I could not tell if I was turned on by his secretive ways or completely confused.

"For the time of your life." was his answer while pilling out of the parking spot and clicking on the radio.

Sitting there in the black car I got bored, bored quickly. More quickly then I normally do. I was not sure if it was from my need for him or the fact that we hit every signal light, but I was frustrated, getting sick from the blur out the windows, and bored.

Looking over at him I saw he was drumming his light washed jeaned leg to the beat of the music that was playing and I could not take it anymore. Leaning over I placed my hand on his knee and slowly but surely started making way to his zipper. And again I felt him tense under my hand as it continued its pursuit. Licking my lips I quickened the pace of my hand as I impatiently stared at my target.

I nearly screamed as his hand encircled my wrist tightly. Wide eyed I brought my eyes to met his and my heart nearly skipped a beat as I took in his dark, dark eyes opporbing my ever so light ones.

"Not yet." he rasped, letting go of my hand and pressing the accelerator down harder throwing me back into the sit.

"Get up, Flower." I heard as my body shook, the source coming from my shoulder. Fluttering my eyes open I, once again, came face to face with that beautiful face of his. But this time I was not drunk nor was the midnight sky gulping up the world in one dark bite, but the mid morning sun glittered in the bright blue sky.

Pinching the bridge of my nose I sighed deeply as a alcoholic induced head ache breached the surface bringing nausea and fatigue with it. "Where am I?" I asked still keeping my head in between my hands.

"My home. Come on." he basically demanded as he grabbed my upper arm and slowly pulled me out the luxury car.

As my feet touched the ground the soft autumn leaves crumbled underneath me. Looking out in astonishment I got the first glimpse of where I was at.

The tall trees' leaves were just beginning to fall, the deep rich green grass still held onto dew from earlier this morning, and all in the middle of this was a house. A house so large it was fit for a king. You could tell its age not only from the ivory wistfully growing it's way toward the sky on the north end of the building, but also how discolored the bricks were becoming. This oasis that we stood was breathtakingly beautiful in its own haunting way.

"Come." he cooed, drawling my attention back to him.


"Come with me now." he grunted, twisting his eyebrows in confusion.

"I-no. I am not going to come." I argued as I ripped my arm out of his hold. "I am not going anywhere." I continued more to myself then to him as I took a step back.

"Yes you are, my Flower." he sighed as he counteracted my steps.

"S-stop. I... I'm not you're flower, so just calling me that." I stuttered.

Fear hit me like a truck as I truly realized what was going on. I was scared, terrified even. I was alone with this man that I did not know in the middle of nowhere. And that's when I realized even if I screamed no one would hear me. So I did the one thing that seemed rational, I ran. I just turned and took off toward the long straight driveway I presume we had driven up just moments before he woke me.

Kicking off my heels in mid stride I continued my pursuit to freedom. I needed to find some where safe, anywhere away from here.

Feeling the full force of extra weight land on my back, agonizing fear rippled through me like a tidal wave. Just for a split second before my body came crashing down on the cracked concrete. I felt immobile as pain from the impact exploded within me.

"I am sorry my Flower. But hakuna matata, right?" he sneered, getting off me and ripping me off the ground like a band-aid. "Now, come." he stated slowly walking back toward the house. "We'll get you cleaned up." he muttered more to himself than to me.

To say I was scared was an understatement. I was being kidnapped by this man that I did not even know. I was confused, emotional, and in pain as we trekked to the big red house that stood alone.

The walk seemed like forever from the driveway to the front door. My arms were still wrapped behind me as he unlocked it.

"I don't need a mess." he mumbled under his breath as effortlessly scrambled me up in his arms to afford having my blood tracked throughout his home.

I gave up. I was weak. I was bloody, hung over, and fearful of my life. I was a goner I thought as he again unlocked a door and walked down a flight of stairs.

"Clean her." he beamed to an empty room after he put me back on my feet and promptly left slamming the door behind him.

"There is no use in running." a weak voice spoke pulling my attention from the crisp white door that held me within to two pairs of eyes.

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