The Old Farm

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Our caretakers, Charlotte and Alex Bandini, stood right behind Mato, Lucy and I. We were waiting for someone, but I don't remember who. Lucy's blonde hair was almost white against the blue sky. My light brown hair almost matched Mato's, but his were darker.
"Lucy? What are we doing?" I say to my twin.
"I don't know. Let me see." Lucy concentrated on Mrs. Bandini. Then she whispered in my ear. "We are waiting for people named Raelynn and Zaire."
"Mato, who are Raelynn and Zaire?" I ask.
"Raelynn is my older sister. Zaire is her husband." Mato said. "Tell me what age you have to be to have a child."
"20." Lucy says. "18 to marry."
"When can you retire?" Mato asks.
"60." Lucy responds.
"Neo, what age was Sorceress Zelda when she became a sorceress?" Mato says, pulling Lucy and I aside.
"Mato! You aren't supposed to talk about her!" Lucy smacks Mato upside the head.
"She was my sister! It's hard not to talk about her." Mato snaps. "And with Zelda nowhere to be seen for 7 years, I have been getting nightmares about you two and Raelynn and Zelda."
"Raelynn!" Mrs. Bandini said, hugging a orange haired seventeen year old that popped up out of nowhere.
"Mother!" Raelynn says. "Mato! Lu! Neo!"
"Hello." Lucy says. "Mrs. Bandini, can we go to bed now? It's almost our curfew."
"Yes." Lucy and I run inside, I running to my room on the third floor that I shared with Mato. I jump on my bed, falling asleep to Mato and Raelynn talking about Sorcerers and Sorceresses.

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