Lucy's Forgiving letter

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I sit in my room, my forehead pressed against my broken mirror, staring at the only scar that showed when I woke up: the long one from my eye to my chin on the left side of my face. I had written down everything that happened in my nightmares, repeatedly reading the fold up letter that I found in my hand when I came to. The letter was from Lucy, and sounded a lot more like her, unlike the one I met in my final nightmare.

I miss you. I can't stand it here. I want to go. Zephora bewitched me. She controls me when I go places. I become meaner, aggressive, scary. I became a thief. I steal money and books. Townsfolk hate me. I know you hate me. I wish I could learn good magic and not ugly ancient magic from Zephora. Learn something good.

I have not told Zelda yet, but I can't speak without breaking up inside. That is all I am now. A mirror with a missing piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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