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It had been four days since Lucy's outburst and there had been no talk about it. Lucy stayed in her bedroom most of the time, only coming out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We started to worry about her after two days. Raelynn and Zaire had been checking in on us ever since. Now all of us- such as Mr. and Mrs. Bandini, Mato, Lucy and I- sat at the table, eating our chicken. Nobody talked.
"My foot is acting up again. Can I go to Grandma Renino for some medicine.?" I say, breaking the silence.
"I'll come with you." Lucy says, not looking up from her food. Before I know it, Lucy and I was heading toward Grandma Renino's booth in the market place. Not many people were around, meaning Grandma Renino wasn't busy. Renino was never busy.
As we got closer to the booth, I was suddenly knocked off my feet and landed on the ground. My cane was pointed at me, the burnt end resting underneath my chin.
"Why did you fake it?" Lucy asked me. I put my hands up, showing her I had nothing on me.
"Fake what?" I ask, slightly shaking.
"You are exaggerating your limp. I can tell when you are faking an injury, Neo." Lucy says, sticking out her chin.
"I wanted to get of the house." I lied.
"Liar. You wanted to ask Renino about Zelda." Lucy says, making the burnt end rub against my jaw.
"Can I please have my cane back?" I ask. She hands me my cane and helps me to my feet. "I was going to ask her if she had any info about Zella."
"Zelda." Lucy corrects. "Renino might have information on her. Come on. Let's go find a crazy old woman."

Zelda:  The Apprentice of the LionWhere stories live. Discover now