My Butler ~ 2 ~ Protects

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- 13 years later -

I opened my eyes as the recollections of thirteen years past ended and I looked into the mirror. I pulled down my collar to see it. Right below my collarbone was the contract that bound me and Sebastian together. The purple swirly mark seemed to glow on its own somehow.

"Lady Akira?" I heard Sebastian's voice calling from outside in the hall. "Come in..." I called back as I let my nightgown recoil back up and sat down on the edge of my bed. I watched him as he walked and pushed the curtains aside, brightening up the entire room and in instant.

"So what's scheduled for today, Sebastian?" I asked as I sheilded my eyes from the blinding light. "Today you will meet with your Aunt Marie and discuss issues. Ahem, then we will spend the rest of the day as usual. Your usual studies will be on schedule as well." He finished as I sighed loudly.

 I had inherited my father's business when he passed away. So far I've been doing a pretty good job at it. But of course there has to be that relative that wants their share. And that so happens to be my late mother's sister: Marie. Then Sebastian suddenly clapped once. I looked up at him bewildered.

"My Lady, you've been spacing out alot lately...." He walked over to me and felt my forehead. "Are you sure your fine. Because if you're not, I could always cancel everything for today and you can stay in bed." I lightly tapped his hand. "No, No. I'm fine." I held his hand for a few moments. "No need to worry about me."

"I should hope so. In the mean time, please try to remain focused." I nodded my head as he walked out the door. "And please get ready, breakfast will be ready when you come downstairs to the dining hall." Then he closed the door. I sighed and looked around the room at random and noticed that my clothes were already lying there on the chair. I got up and scrutinized them more closely and wondered how Sebastian knew exactly what I had wanted to wear.

A purple mid-thigh dress with black lacing and over the knee socks with a black laced skirt to match. Ah....perfect. I quickly put them on and put on my makeup as well. I looked in the mirror and just as quickly did my hair. With it being just straight and black, a brushing would be just as fine. It's just Auntie Marie anyways.

I walked down the swirling stairs and into the dining hall to be greeted by Sebastian as he pulled my chair for me. "Please, take a seat." He smiled his devilishly handsome smile and I did as I was told, blushing only slightly.

"Today's tea is Formosa Silver Tip." He poured the tea into the cup and handed it to me. I sniffed it once and loved it. "Thank you. It has such an elegant fragrance to it."

"You're welcome my Lady." He bowed and covered one hand over his heart before leaving. I sighed and continued to drink my tea. Tea was enough for me in the morning. But I couldn't stop thinking about Marie. Why would she bring up a meeting now? Isn't everything going fine? I'm sure it was! But just to make sure....

"Sebastian!" Just as suddenly I called out, he was beside me in an instant.


"Please make sure everything is ready before Marie gets here. I don't want her to be snooping around like she always does everytime she's here...." He bowed and left the dining hall. I sat there with my cup of Formosa tea and thought about the last time she was here. First off, she wanted the money. Marie would go to great lengths just to get my fortune. She'll act like she cares about my wellbeing, but it's all a facade. Marie's just an open book. A sad, tragic kind of book to be exact. Every single time she comes for a visit, the same stupid stuff happens. She wants to find some....I guess how Sebastian tells me "dirt" on me. But she wont find anything. Just as I put my cup down, she walked in with him.

"Lady Akira, Marie is here. Rather earlier then expected..." Time to turn on the charm,

"Oh Auntie Marie It's so good to see you!!" I ran up to her and hugged her really tightly. I felt her squeeze back only slightly.

"How is my Akira doing?" Not really "yours" but okay.

"I'm doing fine, as usual. I have Sebastian here to take care of me." She started laughed and I did as well. I ushered her to the door. "If you would please follow my butler, we will go to one of my conservatories and we can talk there." I looked directly into her eyes and felt a jealous fit going on inside her mind at the moment. I laughed mentally and patted her on the shoulder, guiding her to the conservatory right upstairs. We walked in through the cream-colored french doors.

"Please take a seat and play a game with me." I gestured to the big seat in front of mine with a game of chess on a coffeetable inbetween us.

"Sure, but we should really talk about-"

"Your turn..."

"What?" I looked at the game then at her. She noticed that I moved my pawn foreward. She moved a pawn as well. And at that moment I knew that I had already won....

"So.....what are you really here for Marie." I asked her directly. I felt Sebastian's presence suddenly near the door. I smiled mentally and I felt him grin back. This is gonna be good. She leaned back and chuckled.

"I'm not here for anything darling. Just here to check up on you like always."

"Okay, we both know that THAT is a load of crap." I sighed and continued to play the chess game, then I leaned back in my chair and shook my head at her.

"I thought you could do better then last time....." I shrugged. "Oh well......"

She suddenly stood up but I kept my face as calm as possible. If she was gonna do something, I always had Sebastian as backup. "What's that supposed to mean you ignorant brat!?" I leaned forward in my chair.

"It's simply what I said Marie. Why so quick to make assumptions, eh?" I laughed at her, which made her even more furious then before. "Why you little!" She lunged for my collar. I let her grab it. It wouldn't be long before Sebastian came in.

"I suggest you let go of me before my patience runs thin, Marie." She laughed hysterically and gripped my collar even more tighter. "Your patience! Ha! Like I give a damn about that." I acted like I was shocked by her words, which I didn't think she would buy, but the gullible fool actually did.

"That's right! I don't care. i don't care even if you died! Oh what a wonderful day that would be! The day I inherit everything!! And the day I would dance on your grave!!!!" She laughed hysterically again and I felt her grip loosen. Without even signaling for him to come, in an instant, Sebastian was between me and her.

"You best remove your filthy hands from my Akira." He gripped her hands and broke them each slowly, savoring each heart-wrenching scream she made. "Ahh, that's such an amazing sound. I want to hear more!" His eyes started to glow bright reddish-pink. He still had her gripped tightly in his hands and kicked each of her legs, breaking her femur bone in both her legs. By the way she was struggling, it was only a matter of time before the cracked bone punctured an artery and she'd bleed to death.

Death in your own pool of blood.....filthy....but it would make an acceptional death for her. But Sebastian was in charge now, he could do whatever he wanted. "Please! No More!!" She screamed in agonizing pain again and he loved every second of it. "Yes! You filthy animal!! You deserve to die a slow and painful death!!"

"Sebastian, please not too much. We dont want to dirty all the furniture now do we?" I intervened. He looked back at me and smiled. "Ah, yes of course my Lady. I'll end this quickly." He let go of her hands and grabbed her neck, twisting it almost half-way around her neck. Every bone that cracked could be heard throughout the room.


Sebastian let go of her lolling head and she fell to the floor, dead. A pool of blood starting to form around her lifeless body. "Please clean this up Sebastian." He turned, his eyes still glowing and bowed.

"Yes, My Lady." I returned to the chess game to see that the game seemed to continue on its own. I counted the moves and it was my turn. Her black king has no where to go. I reached down and moved my white queen over to the king.


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