Chapter 4

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Red dyed the floors and screams overflowed in the room. Scp's ran rampant, multiples of some all doing the same job. Ripping apart my co- workers. My grip on the rifle tightened involuntarily at the thought of dieing. No one ever admitted it but most people here were terrified of dieing. Why were we here then? We felt we couldn't make a deference where we were before and decided to work behind the scenes to protect the ones we loved.

Another shrill scream snapped me out of my thoughts, one of the class C's were being mauled by 154- 15 before others joined in. I quickly counted all of the ones in the room. Twenty, they were all mingling with each other, hostility was not shown unless there was a human.

I retreated back down the now quiet halls, the class A's must've been evacuated before hand. Paranoia began to set in as I started to think my footfalls were to loud. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve to prevent the clear liquid from falling.

I had only one chance and that's to get to the jet yard. Yes we have a jet yard outside the building. I just needed to get out of the building first.

Before long I made it to the last winding hallway. A metal door stood in the way of my freedom. I swiped my key card which prompted the door to open with a squeak.

In front of me stood twelve jets all lined up neatly. Now that would have been to easy for them. A metallic sphere hovered in mid air in the middle of the room.

My lips pulled down, how was I going to get past this?! I knew the basics of this thing such as it can self destruct, but also admits radiation. I couldn't tell if it was 'looking' at me or even noticed me for that matter, but I was willing to take the chance. Crouching down low I began to move silently across the floor. Once behind the jets I grabbed the keys off the hook and climbed the stairs to the jet. Popping open the hood of it, I kicked the stairs away before getting comfy inside. I put the key into ignition and started the start up sequence. Grabbing the lever with one hand I pressed the button to open the door.

The object was more moving towards the jet. The jet began to move slowly before quickly picking up speed, pulling up quickly got me airborne sending me high into the clouds. It would only take me a few hours to get back to the main base. I'm am soooo terminated when I get back.

I flew over the base a couple times before attempting to land. How hard could it be? You can probably guess what happened. I could not pull out the wheels resulting in a ton of sparks and a ruined jet. I stumbled out of the broken vehicle and towards the front door. Sliding the key card I walked in and almost immediately ran into a 05. I grimaced slightly at the man in front of me, it was Dr. Jeremiah and boy does he always give me reasons to hate him from blaming me for what goes wrong in any test to threatening to promote me down to a class D and calling me a 'filthy pest'.

"Nova aren't you supposed to be with your group at the red pool? Ha! I knew you couldn't handle it, you were never good at these things." I zoned out completely while he continued his rant. To bad we can't talk back to a superior.

"Nova what are you doing back?" Questioned a new voice.

"Oh umm sir my entire division was wiped out..." Looking any where but his face. A soft sigh escaped his lips before he said, "you know the procedure Nova. You have been demoted to a class D. You've made to many mistakes in the last month. Resign your uniform and your new set of clothes will be delivered to your barracks." My body went rigid at the sound of becoming somebody's lab rat. I let out am animalistic growl surprising those around me before walking off towards the class D rooms.

My fist slammed into the wall beside me causing bits of blood to spurt out. Sadistic thoughts began to cloud my mind while a smile crossed my face. They'll pay for what they did to me.

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