Chapter Five

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Joey walked out of his last classroom of the day to see Brassy and Yugi leaning against her locker, talking. He said something and she laughed.

"Are you alright, Puppy?" Seto inquired, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Rage..." Joey growled, angrily "Rage, rage, rage, RAGE!"

"I swear to GOD, Joey," Seto hissed "If you don't calm down... I'm going to take you across my knee here and now."

"Some of yar yaoi Fangirls might like that, Seto," Joey chuckled, nervously.

"If you think I'm kidding," Seto smirked "I'm very much serious."

"I'm... Gonna go find Yug'," Joey tried, backing away.

"He's right there, Puppy," Seto pointed out.

Berightback!" Joey rushed, dashing over to the two "Protect meh, Yug'."

"What fro- oh," both Brassy and Yugi looked up at the approaching figure of Seto Kaiba.

"Since you're all here," Yugi interrupted, quickly, before Seto could do anything bad "How'd you like to come with me and Brassy back to the game shop?"

"Why is Brassy coming to the game shop at all?" Joey growled, then yelp as he was dragged out from behind Yugi and into Seto's arms.

"We've been talking about Duel Monsters all day," Brassy explained, excited "Yugi said I could come over to the game shop after school and he'd make a deck for me. He was just telling me about the first time he beat Kaiba."

"So, that's what she was laughing about," Joey thought, understanding "Ya... I'd laugh at him, too."

"We'd love to come," Seto lied, pulling a fifty out of his pocket and handing it to Brassy "But Joey and I have some business... Elsewhere. You guys will be fine."

"What's this for?" Brassy demanded.

"Incase you want to stop for a hotdog on the way over or something," Seto shrugged, handing another bill to Yugi "Or if you see something you like in one of the store windows."

"You're paying us to stay as far away as possible for as long as possible... Aren't you?" Brassy proclaimed, bluntly.

"Pretty much," Seto admitted, just as bluntly, while dragging Joey away against fits of outrage "Have fun, you two!"

"Anyway," Yugi said, wiping away the shocked look on his face and replacing it with a friendly smile "Just as Kaiba pulled out his final Blue-Eyes, I managed to draw the last piece of Exodia! Then, I got to mind-crush him."

"That's so coo- wait... What?" Brassy questioned.

"Come on," Yugi laughed, starting towards the door "Want to hear about the time I dueled someone through the TV?"

"Yes!" Brassy declared "How is that even possible?!"

"I have no idea," Yugi teased.


"Oh," Yugi smiled "That's right."


Brassy: This chapter was clearly filler. Wasn't it?


Seto: This is funny because it shows two things about Yugi. One, he has no life outside of Duel Monsters. Two, the only time he gets remotely flirtatious is in filler... And I get totally horny and take all of his thunder. Why is this not enough to show I am clearly the better duelist?

Joey: /:| Ya realise that didn't help yar case at all? In fact, the first part may have actually help Yug'.

Seto: You know, Puppy. I'm still feeling a bit horny after this chapter. I could go for a quickie... At the least.

Brassy, Catty, Yugi and Everyone reading this (Besides Yaoi Fangirls who always appreciate a lemon): D8 RUNAWAY! RUNAWAY!

Seto: Hmm... Seems we're alone now, Puppy.


Seto: /rubs-face-where-Joey-hit-him\ I'm so punishing you later, Joseph.

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