Chapter Nineteen

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Catty: Alright. Recently, I've been thinking about how Yugi would slap Seto if the reason to ever came up {Shut up... That's a completely normal thought to have~! ;P}. Would he like... Bitch slap him or... Like... I don't know. Well, what I was getting at was, if any of you guys have a suggestion I'd like to hear it. I'm considering a chapter in here where Seto is more of an asshole than usual and needs a good slap... ANYWAY... here's your crappy next chapter ;D.


"I hate the holidays," Brassy mumbled, to herself, throwing yet another fully sharped pencil at the wall. It missed... Again.

"Brassy," Joey poked his head into the room, wincing as another pencil went flying through the air "Erm... Seto wanted me to tell you to stop destroying his wall."

"Tell him I'm busy," she growled back, crumpling up the list on her desk and throwing it at Joey "And to stop having him send you up here. I'd like to see him face to face if he's got a complaint."

"Brassy..." Joey whispered "What's wrong?"

"I don't know what to get for all these people for Christmas," she sighed, tired "Let alone have the money to."

"Don' worry 'bout the money, Brassy," Joey reassured "Seto'll pay for eve-"

"I don't WANT him to!" Brassy screamed back, getting to her feet and brushing past Joey angrily "I'm going to go see Yugi."

"Be home for dinner," Joey called back, hoping the spiky-haired kid would lift her spirits a little.

"Whatever," Brassy snapped back, continuing on her way. As soon as she was out of sight, Seto poked his head out of his office down the hall.

"What'd you say to her, Pup?" Seto demanded, confused. Joey sighed and shook his head.


"Hello, Brassy-bozu," Yugi's grandpa greeted when she walked into the game shop and noticed she wasn't her usually cheery self "What's got you down, Lass?"

"Nothing, Grandpa," she shook her head, sighing "Is Yugi here?"

"I'm afraid not," he declined "He just left with Bakura but you should be able to catch up with them if you hurry. They're going down to the mall to Christmas shop."

"Alright," she managed a small smile "Thank you." Running out the door, she started in the direction of the mall.


"So who are you shopping for, Ryo?" Yugi asked him as they walked towards the mall "Other than our friends and your parents and stuff."

"Well," he blushed "I've got a lady friend I'm looking to get something for."

"A lady friend?" Yugi questioned.

"A girlfriend, Yugi," Ryo chuckled "I've got a girlfriend."

"Oh," he comprehended "Oooohhh... Um... What are you gonna get her?"

"She's pretty easily impressed," Ryo shrugged "I'm sure you know her... Miho?"

"You're dating MIHO?" Yugi gaped "I never saw THAT coming."

"Neither did I," Ryo admitted "But she just came up to me and said she liked me and thought I was cute, one day. She's a little bit demanding but she's sweet so, I don't mind. What about you, Yugi? You have anyone special you're shopping for?"

"Brassy, of course," he beamed, happily "She's my girlfriend, you know."

"I figured," Ryo nodded "What are you going to get her?"

"I have the perfect gift," he smirked, mischievous glint in his eye "And if she ever found the price of it, she'd through a fit. I'm gonna get her a-"

"HEY~! GUYS~! WAIT UP, WILL YA~!?" someone interrupted. They stopped and turned to see Brassy running towards them, out of breath.

"Brassy?" Yugi stared, taken aback and thanking Ra that he hadn't finished what he was about to say. It had to stay a secret.

"Hello, Brassy," Ryo smiled "We were just talking about Christmas shopping."

"Do you guys already know what you're going to get everybody?" Brassy stared, jaw hanging open in disbelief "I'm going to fail Christmas."

"Don't be silly, Brassy," Yugi chuckled, squeezing her shoulders, reassuringly "You can't fail a holiday. Gifts are supposed to be sentimental, not excessive."

"Whatever you say, Yugi," she sighed, not really listening. Him and Ryo exchanged a look.

"We could help you with your Christmas shopping, Brassy," he offered.

"You'd do that?" she hoped.

"Of course," Yugi nodded "Me and Ryo would be more than happy to help." She squealed and threw herself into his arms, pecking him on the cheek.

"You're so SWEET, Yugi-chan," she whispered in his ear, happily, making him turn red.

"Anything for you, Brassy," he nodded, hugging her back. Ryo stood to the side, smirking.

'She's a keeper,' he mouthed, a playful glint in his eyes. Yugi simply stuck his tongue out at him.


Joey: I knew that would work. ;D

Catty: /looks-up-from-collab-story\ I still feel like making them make out in every other scene.


Yugi: /sigh\ Right...

Catty: /facepalm\ Don't feel too bad, Yugi. Street cats are a little stupid.

Yugi: She's not stupid!

Brassy: Wait... Why am I stupid again?

Yugi: /Peck-cheek\ Never mind her, Brassy. She's crazy.

Catty: D:< HHEEYY~!

Seto: He's got a point, you know.

Delco: I agree with this guy.

Catty: /jumps-in-surprise\ AH! THEPLOT!

Tatianna: AH! WHERE?!

Jason: /facepalm\

Catty: Oh great... I just realised what this means.

Delco: That's right. FILLERBEGONE!


Yugi: /anime-sweatdrop\ Brassy... Why are you 'noing'?

Brassy: Because I have more fun in Filler. Besides, LAST TIME the plot line was here, I was knocked out the whole time. /Glares-at-Catty\

Catty: Um... 'Kaybye! /run-away\

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