Chapter Thirteen

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Catty: HEY LOOK~! THE PLOT~! {I knew it was around here somewhere ;D}


Yami sat on the ground, placing Brassy in his lap.

"How do you know about me?" he demanded "And... What do you know about me?"

"Besides you have been annoyingly reincarnating?" Hermes smirked "Not much."

"Hermes!" Miaann hissed "He was a king!"

"I know that," Hermes nodded "It just seems unfair that he reincarnated all these times to really cool people. I mean... He's even the KING OF GAMES in this life time."

"I was rather expecting him to reincarnate to the president or something," Jason replied.

"Presidents aren't kings, Jason," Delco reminded.

"Re... Reincarnated?" Yami demanded.

"Yes," Delco nodded "You don't remember them, due to the puzzle you wore each time but, you've reincarnated three previous times and had possession of it. In Ancient Egypt, in Medieval England and in the Soviet Union."

"But Yugi's Grandpa found the puzzle in my tomb," Yami pointed out "Wouldn't it have been somewhere else if others have had possession of it?"

"The kings vessels always returned to puzzle to it's initial resting place," Delco continued "Allowing the next one to know where to find it."

"And... Who are you?" Yami inquired.

"Typical," Hermes rolled his eyes "He doesn't remember us."

"Hermes!" Miaann scowled "You know exactly why that is. Besides, you were only a servant. It's no wonder he forgot you."

"I wasn't a servant!" Tatiana beamed, waving her hand, frantically "I was a princess!"

"And I was his sister," Clea imput.

"I was supposed to be sentenced to death," Jason added "But you gave me a death pardon."

"Oh," Yami blinked, turning to look at Delco and Miaann "What about you two?"

"Concubine," Miaann muttered.

"Me and Mana, my twin sister, were best friends with you when we were younger, Pharaoh," Delco said "And I later studied under your high priest when she went to study under Mahad."

"So... You two are the oldest then?" Yami verified.

"Yes," Delco confirmed "And then Hermes and Tatianna during the Middle Ages of England... Leaving Jason and Clea during the early years of the Soviet Union."

"I see," Yami understood "So... Half of you were close to me while the other half were lower class people such as concubines, servants and criminals?"

"I was framed!" Jason insisted "I swear!"

"Riiiiggghhtt," Hermes teased.

"Boys..." Miaann warned.

"How are you still here then?" Yami wondered.

"Our necklaces give us eternal life," Delco explained "And, the second time they are put on, they set our ages. We need to stop from ageing so we can continue living beyond this life time."

"Doesn't that stop you from reincarnating though?" Yami demanded.

"Of course not," Clea laughed "I've seen my reincarnation every time but this one. I'm sure you're friends while her or something."

"Now that you mention it," Yami said "You do look A LOT like Téa..."

"There you go," she smiled.

"And me?" Tatianna wondered.

"You're a younger Mai," he decided, after a moment.

"And I'm Joseph Wheeler," Delco explained "I dye my hair... It's actually blonde."

"I don't see it," Yami stated.

"You will in about eight years," Delco insisted "But, enough about us. You have returned to us, my king."

"Appearently," Yami sighed "Can you tell me about my past? I hardly remember any of it."

"At a later point," Delco promised, gesturing to Brassy "But, at the moment, we need to remove her necklace. I'd have done it already but, you'll have to go, my king."

"I just realised something, Delco, Miaann whispered "Our Pharaoh cannot leave... Because his Vessel is also carrying an eye."

"Reincarnation's a bitch," Jason growled, facepalming.

"W-why?" Yami asked.

"You can't be here when we remove the necklaces," Hermes replied "Because the shadow magic within your puzzle will react with the magic within Ms. Allinabrass and Sir Yugi." They watched as Yugi took back control and took the chain which held the puzzle. He held it out proudly.

"Take my puzzle away from here then," he offered.

"That had been my plan all along," Delco informed, smoothly, gesturing Jason to take it from him "Take it as far away as you can in five minutes, Jason. We will wait no longer."

"But..." he whined "I've never gotten to be here when someone took off their necklace."

"Just do it, Jason," Clea sighed, shaking her head "It's not that fascinating."

"Besides," Hermes teased "You were here for your own."

"I WAS KNOCKED OUT COLD THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" he shouted, getting to his feet and snatching the puzzle out of Yugi's hand.

"I don't trust Hermes with this, Jason," Delco stated "I have to be here and we aren't sending the ladies..."

"Why can't one of them go?" he growled.

"Would you rather I send Clea?" Delco raised an eyebrow.

"I'm going," Jason mumbled, storming off.

"Now what?" Yugi inquired, watching him go.

"We wait five minutes," Delco said "And then we take off your necklaces."

"Are you ready, Mr. Moto?" Delco inquired, several minutes later.

"I suppose so," Yugi nodded "Why does Bassy have to be unconscious for this anyway?"

"She doesn't have very much that special to her," Delco explained "And she'd be afraid we'd try to steal it from her when we try to take it off. We made the mistake of letting Hermes stay awake when we removed it."

"You still had no right to tackle me like that," Hermes growled "I never asked to do this."

"None of us did, Hermes," Delco sighed, walking over to Brassy and kneeling beside her "Are you ready, Mr. Moto?"

"I already answered that," Yugi reminded, uneasy with the fact his puzzle was who knows where. Miaann walked up to him and unclip his necklace. His sight instantly went completely white and a shock went up his spine. What seemed like forever later, the necklace was replaced and his sight returned. He was still in the same place but, there was a patch of burnt grass around him and Clea, Hermes and Tatiana when on the other side of the field. Miaann and Delco, who were clinging tightly to Brassy and himself (as if for dear life) were drenched. Brassy was awake by this time and breathing heavily but, not moving otherwise.

"What... The Hell... Just... Happened?" she managed, finally. The three people across the field started running over to them.

"Welcome to the Eight Eyes Of Eternity, Ms. Cortag," Delco stated, getting to his feet and offering her a hand to do the same "It's about time this came to an end."


Catty: /hates-this-chapter\


Catty: /Realising-why-she-hates-this-chapter\

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