Chapter 3

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~~~Time skip to when the teams are walking into the stadium~~~~~~~

Ur pov

We were sitting down, watching the guilds come into the stadiums. Then they came out. You and Haruhi were watching from the Sabertooth area. You see Natsu and smile. He waves and you wave back. Then he shifts his eyes and bursts into laughing. Then Gray blushes and whacked Natsu. You looked next to you and see Haruhi holding a sign that says,'You go Sexy Gray-sama.' You just laugh as your friend screams about how sexy he is.

Natsu Pov
I walked into the Arena. I immediately see (y/n) smiling my way. I smile and wave. Then next to her I see a sign that says how sexy the ice princess is. I burst out laughing.Then someone whacks me on the head. I quickly look back up to were she is I love my (y/n).

(Y/n) Pov
They are playing a game called Hidden. Gray and Juvia went in. You go up to Sting and Rufus.
"Hey guys. Umm. Can I talk to you two."
You say.

"Sure." Sting says,"What is it?"

"Your guild master isn't here. And fairy tail is right over there... So I was just wondering if I can stay with them until I have to go back to the hotel with you guys. Please?? I haven't seen them for three months. And I really miss-"

"Go." Rouge says interrupting you,"Go be with your friends. I won't tell Matser."

"Hey!! Rouge!! Your not supposed to let her leave!!" Sting says harshly.

"Sting, she's gonna be right over there. We will be able to see her at all times. And she's not even our guild mate. She's theirs. So don't be such a buzz kill." Rouge says scolding Sting.

"but she-" says sting trying to protest.

"Go ahead (y/n). I'll deal with Sting." After Rouge says that, you quickly hug him and rush over to the fairytail stands.

Third Pov
Sabertooth stands

"Listen Sting, I know you like her. But she's part of another guild. And either way your gonna see her tonight and tomorrow."
Rouge says comforting Sting.

"I know." Sting says,"but I'll miss her so much."

Fairy tail Stands
Your Pov

You see Natsu, Erza, Lucy, and Happy all cheering for Gray. You see the person that you thought about everyday when you were in Sabertooth. The person that you loved. The one that you wanted so desperately to be yours.
You run up to him and give him a giant bear hug. He quickly remembers the scent and says," I missed you (y/n)."

"I missed you too Natsu."

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