Welcome to the madhouse

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Of many things in this world, to Rogue Cheney, there were two things that would always be true. For one thing, there was no point trying to make friends at a school full of wannabe celebrities and judgemental losers, the second was that no matter how hard he tried he would never be one of the cool kids. Even though his loneliness would upset most people, Rogue had gotten used to it. What's the point crying about fate. I'm just meant to be different he would tell himself repeatedly. He had himself and that was all that mattered. He didn't need anyone else. Friendship was a lie, friendship gave you a  small bit of happiness before ripping it away. False friendships were pointless, they tear your heart and leave you with nothing. He couldn't face that again and so he stayed alone. Alone didn't hurt him, it helped him. Alone was what protected him from the cruel world. Alone was the only thing that stayed true. It would never betray him or leave him. Alone was all he had.

Everyday was the same for Rogue. Wake up, go to school, go home, sleep. To him each day wasn't a new opportunity, it was merely a set of meaningless tasks to go through - boring and predictable. Rogue had always thought that was what he wanted, a set of tasks to complete without chaos or excitement...until that day, the first day of his new school. That day was a brand new start, a brand new school, a brand new life. It was the first day of a life-changing year of school. However, per usual, Rogue remained an everlasting pessimist and expected the worst. Clutching his bag, he trudged towards the bus stop unaware of the events soon to come.

Dragging his feet a little, he paced up and down waiting reluctantly for the bus to pull up. He considered running away, leaving this place and escaping but soon shook those thoughts out of his head. Firstly, his Mam would kill him and secondly he needed to pay great attention this year as always. Rogue needed to be the best if he wanted to achieve his dream job - a member of the magic council.Rouge had always admired the magic council, they were the best of the best and were respected by everyone. The council always managed to solve the worst of problems. He was deep in thought when a huge bus pulled up at top speed, roaring loudly. This was it then, the giant blue and yellow monster that was to take him to the dump he would spend most the year in.

Head facing down, he handed his money to the overly-cheerful bus driver, Mr Reedus. Quickly he scanned the room taking note of everything and everyone he saw, looking for a place to sit. Almost every seat was full so there wasn't much room for him. At the very back of the bus he spotted one empty seat next to a boy about his age.  The boy had blonde fair swept over his face, pale skin and ocean blue eyes. He sat down quietly, his face still looking down at the ground as he tried not to be noticed.

Almost immediately the boy spun his head round to face him, his ear-ring hitting Rogue in the face. 

"Hey, are you the new kid? I haven't seen you before." 

His eyes widened, startled by the boy. 

"um...yeah. I'm Rogue, Rogue Cheney."

 He muttered shyly under his breath. His heart was racing fast and his hands were shaking wildly. Stupid anxiety! Why cant I act like a normal human being for once in my life?  A wide grin filled the boys face.

"Well today's your lucky day kiddo. I'm Sting. That's right, you sat next to the one and only Sting Eucliffe."

 Great, I've sat right next to one of the popular people. I'm going to have to spend the next 3 hours with this guy. Rogue sighed quietly and tried to fake an interest as Sting introduced him to his gang. The crazy pink haired boy behind him was Natsu, the muscular boy with a face full of piercings was Gajeel and the boy who was currently arguing with Natsu was Gray. He listened half-heartedly while Sting shouted out the names of everyone on the bus at him, explaining their life story in unnecessary detail. He was counting down the minutes until the bus stopped.

Finally, Rogue had escaped the bus and left everyone behind. Luckily, due to the lack of traffic, he had reached his dorm early.He was now standing outside his new dormitory - room 777. One of the many things Rogue hated about this school was the dorms. Nobody had a say in where they were put, not that it would make a difference to him due to his distinct lack of friends. Even worse was that everyone in the dorm had the same timetable meaning that there would be no escape from the people that he had been put with for the rest of the year. Hands shaking, he grabbed the shiny brass door handle nervously and opened it slightly, preparing for the worst. 

"Rogue-kun! Heya, it's me Sting. I'm the guy from the bus." 

A familiar voice shrieked excitedly.

"This is going to be great! Check it out guys, it's Rogue."

Oh no! this can't be happening. Standing, arms folded, in the corner of the room was Gajeel with a mean look in his eyes. He narrowed his eyes focusing on me as I shuffled inside. Natsu and Gray were bouncing on the beds, dangerously whilst screaming out the lyrics to various My Chemical Romance songs with complete disregard to the schools no loud music rule along with the no swearing rule. They took no notice in him whatsoever. Rogue didn't know whether to feel pleased or hurt so decided to ignore it and throw his bags down on the spare bed and unpack.

He opened his case and looked around, noticing a note on the bed. It was completely blank except for a number scrawled in runny red across the middle. The number 3. The number 3...what could that mean? How did it even end up in my case in the first place? Nothing made any sense to him. Stuffing it into his pocket, he continued unpacking.

What could it mean?

Fiore Boarding school - Madness and mayhem (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now