A call from death itself

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Sting's phone vibrated viciously on the bed,blaring the familiar tune of 'Towa no kizuna'. A picture of Rogue in cosplay was flashed up on the screen. He wore a long, thick black coat that trailed along the floor as he walked, baggy black jeans and had two swords clutched tightly in his hands. One was a heavy jet black sword, wide and thick. It moved quickly with just the flick of his wrist and hit any target with great precision. The second was different but equally effective. It was long and slender, crafted with pretty blue material. Needless to say, he had one of the best Kirito Kirigaya costumes in the room. Rogue was laughing at something behind the camera, clearly having the time of his life. With a little smile, Sting stared down at his phone remembering all the time he had spent with his friends. It had only been a month and he had already made so many memories - some good, some less good but all precious to him. In the past month he had been happier than he'd ever been in his life, perhaps it was the appearance of the new boy or just coincidence but whatever it was Sting was grateful for every moment. He picked up the buzzing phone and began chatting.

"Hey Rogue it's me. How are things?" He asked chirpily.

No reply. There was a deadly silence from the other end of the phone. You could hear the time tick by as they sat in empty silence.

"Hello Sting. Miss me?"

It wasn't Rogue.No...it couldn't be...could it? Sting shivered at the sound of the familiar voice. He had spent so long trying to forget her. Her voice, her sick smile and her twisted mind- he hated every part of this vile girl. Why now after all this time? How does she have Rogue's phone? Where is he? Is he safe?

"Good morning...Minerva" He spat down the other end of the line. "How do you have Rogue's phone? He's okay...isn't he? Please tell me he's not hurt." He spoke faster and faster with increasing worry. Sting knew all to well what extremes she would go to to get her way. But, what did she want now and what did Rogue have to do with it?

Minerva grinned widely, enjoying every part of Stings distress. To her, this was all a game and she was loving every second of it. "His safety depends on you Sting and no-one else." Sting gulped and bit down hard on his lip drawing blood. as Rogue's captor began to talk. Her words were short, sharp and salty.

" Now listen to me clearly because I'm only going to say this once.I don't need him, I need you. You're just to smart to fall for my traps. This boy though...he's stupid." She grinned widely, laughing hysterically at her plan. "Now come find me if you want him to live.Oh and don't bother calling the police, I won't hesitate to kill him if you do." The phone cut off as Sting let it fall from his hands to the bed. He wiped his eyes, letting his head hang slightly creating complete silence around the room. Although nobody else had heard the conversation, it wasn't hard for his friends to tell that Sting was on the verge of tears - something that only happened when Minerva was involved. He usually stayed strong when anything bad happened but there was something about Minerva that terrified him. 

"Are you okay? What has she done now?" The boys tried to comfort him, totally unaware of how dangerous and serious the situation was becoming. Sting hesitated for a moment, unable to speak, before telling them everything.

"It's going to be okay. We'll find him...I know we will. This isn't your fault." Gajeel stood up and handed out the boys coats and unlocked the door letting it swing open quickly. They had to move fast if they were to save Rogue. Everyone stood up on queue ready to sprint away, all except Sting. He was glued to the bed, barely able to think with shock.  This is all my fault. How could I let this happen? What have I done? 

"I-It's can't believe this is happening..." Sting pulled himself up shakily and stumbled towards them, dragging his hand against the wall.  Natsu looked at him understandingly. He knew what it felt to have someone close to you taken away. He thought back to Lucy, his best friend. About a year ago, just after they started dating, she was kidnapped because of her magic skill and type. It has always been very dangerous for Celestial mages to live in Earth land but he'd never imagined that something like that could happen. It had scarred him and Lucy ever since and it was something they would never forget. He knew that it was finally time to repay his friends for how they helped him when he needed them most. Hesitating for a second, he untied the scarf around his neck, thinking hard. Gently, he tied it around Sting's neck making sure not to pull it too tight.

"Here, have this. You need it more than I do now. It'll protect him, as long as you wear this everything will be alright...trust me."

"T-Thank you...thank you Natsu."

The group gave each other a weak smile before setting off to find their friend. They had to work together now, more than they had ever done before. Gajeel, Gray, Natsu and Sting must be prepared for anything - there was a dangerous time ahead of them.

Fiore Boarding school - Madness and mayhem (UNDERGOING EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now