Meeting the girls

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It was 5 o'clock and today's lessons had finished, leaving the students to go back to their dorm room and do their homework. Rogue Cheney sat cross-legged on his bed in the dorm room and made a futile attempt to study for the upcoming science test. He was never any good at studying normally but it was harder with his newly found friends chattering loudly. He brushed his raven black hair out of his eyes and dropped the book on the floor - there was no point even attempting to study. He then belly flopped onto the bed and stared out the window. A thin layer of ice climbed up the otherwise spotless window pane. Little patterns formed in each corner reaching towards the middle. Fiore was notoriously cold during this time of year. Snow swirled and spiralled gracefully before landing onto a thick layer of pearly white snow.

"I'm so glad we're all in the same dorm this year." 

Sting declared with enthusiasm. 

"Also, I heard that the girls are all in the same dorm too meaning it'll be even easier to sneak out to parties than it was last year."

 Natsu answered matter-of-factly between several large mouthfuls of food. Gajeel piped up next 

"Even better, this year we 'gotta newbie in the group Ain't that right ."

 All eyes turned to Rogue. The one thing that he hated most in the world was attention. Rogue froze with shock and stared at them hoping they would leave him alone. The group, however, did not and persisted to tell him about there plans for a party tonight. Sneaking parties! These guys are insane. What If we get caught? He fidgeted around on his bed not knowing what to say. Biting down hard on his lip, he tried to lie his way out of the situation. Needing to study, being too tired, expecting a call from his Mam, Rogue tried every excuse he could think of. Somehow, the group still managed to persuade him and soon he found himself outside of his dorm room at 10 o'clock regretting everything.

"Shh!keep your voice down flame brain or you'll get us caught" 

Gray hissed at the fire mage next to him. 

"You can talk Ice princess!"

 He shot back in retaliation, slightly quieter than before. Other than their music tastes, the two boys seemed to agree on nothing. In less than 24 hours they had already had 2 fist fights and chucked several rubbers off each others head in class. He'd never known anyone as disruptive as Gray and Natsu. After a warning from Gajeel, they finally shut up and everyone left the dorm and headed into the year 10 common room. The room was huge. Everything was beautifully designed from the art students framed paintings to ruby red walls with the golden borders. It was no wonder that the school was so needlessly expensive. Rogue was very lucky to win a music scholarship. He sat down in the corner of the room and immediately pulled out his phone to text his family and let them know he was safe.

A loud creaking sound could be heard all around the room as some new people entered the room. A tall, curvy girl sashayed into the room swinging her hips ever so slightly. She wore a blue and white shirt and a matching tiny blue skirt. How on earth did the school let her get away with wearing that?  He had always been taught not to judge a book by it's cover but Rogue was almost certain that this girl was the type of person he wanted to stay away from. She made a beeline for Natsu, strutting across the hall like a model before stopping directly in front of him and striking a pose, tilting her head back to let her golden hair flow down her back. With hands on her hips, she spun around to look at the other girls in her group. One of them strode down the room in a similar fashion to the first girl. She had long fiery red hair that framed her face nicely and black clothes contrasting against it. At the very back, the was another girl. She was a small girl carrying a few books under he arm. Much to his surprise, this girl was nothing like the others. Instead of confidently strutting into the room she shuffled around nervously in no particular direction before deciding to join Rogue in the anti-social corner. 

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