Chapter 4: Miss Cleopatra, in love I fall

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Brianna's P.O.V.

I woke up at about 10:00am. Deanna Called me. "Hello?" I said into the phone sleepily. "Get your ass up, girl. I’ll be there in an hour." Deanna said wide awake. "Okay. Bye." I said. "Bye." she said. I got up out of bed and looked in the mirror. Damn my hairs a mess I thought to myself. I grabbed my robe and towel and went into the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth and such. After I showered and all, I went into my room to get dressed. Hmm, what to wear I wondered. I decided I’d wear what I was going to wear to the movies with Keaton. A simple, white tank with a black bow and it with black skinny jeans and some White wedges. I went downstairs to wait for Deanna. I got a text from Keaton.

Keats: Hey, I'll be over at 8:30. I have suprise (;

Brianna (Me): Okay (:

I wonder what it could be. Maybe- *Knock, Knock!* Deanna was here. I walked to the door to show her the text Keaton sent me. "Hey!" Deanna Said so happily. "Guess what?!?!" I said s excitedly. "What?" she said. "Look." I showed her the texts. "Oh my god!"  She said. "I know!" I said smiling. "What do you think it is?" Deanna asked me. "Umm, I don't know." I told her. "I don't know either." She said. Have you checked Keaton’s twitter maybe he tweeted something. I got out my phone and went to Keaton twitter. He hadn’t tweeted anything since yesterday. "-Best day ever :)" I read to Deanna. "Awe and he asked you out yesterday. That’s so cute!" Deanna said. "Yeah" I kinda laughed. "He's a really sweet guy." I told her. "So, are you going to wear the outfit you’re wearing right now to the movies and the surprise with Keaton? It’s really cute!" Deanna asked. "Yeah, do you think I look okay?" I asked Deanna. "Yes! Oh my god. You look so beautiful! Could I do you hair later?" Deanna told me and asked. "Sure, Wanna curl it or..?" I asked her. "I have this really cool Curling Iron. I make your hair look like you have those big bouncy curls like Victoria's secret models! It's so cool!" Deanna told me. "Really? I love their hair and make-up it’s like so perfect!" I told Deanna. "I can do it for you, if you want?" She asked me. "Oh my god, Yes!" I told her. "I'll go home and get it." Deanna said grabbing her bag and walking towards the door. "Bye! Well, I’ll see you in like 20 minutes so it doesn't matter but umm, yeah." I said laughing. "Bye" she said laughing and walking out the door.

I just sat on the couch with my phone on twitter. Keaton tweeted '-Stoked for tonight' a lot of Emblems were tweeting him "What’s going on?" "What's tonight? “And stuff like that. After about 5 minutes of looking through Keaton's tweets I put my phone down and lay down on the couch. I fell asleep. About 15 minutes later, Deanna was back. *Knock, Knock* I got up to let Deanna in. "What happened to your make-up?" Deanna asked I went to look in the mirror. My make-up was a mess. "I'll be right back." I said to Deanna. I Speed walked to the bathroom. When I got there I got out the make-up removers and took off all my make-up. I did my skin routine then it was time for eye make-up. I did make up I saw from this Victoria's secret make-up tutorial I saw on YouTube. I used to always do my make-up like that about a year ago. It was just black eyeliner (I always wear eyeliner), with kinda a light pink and light brown Smokey eye and some mascara. It’s really pretty.

Deanna walked into my bathroom. "Damn! You look so pretty!" Deanna said. "Thanks!" I said. "So you wanna do my hair?" I asked her. "Yeah, let’s go in the living room though." we went into the living room. Deanna plugged in her curling iron. After it wormed up she started curling. We talked about X factor and Keaton while she was curling my hair. Deanna curls hair fast but it always looks really good. "Okay! I'm done!" she said excitedly. I went to look in the mirror. I looked amazing! "I love it!" I told Deanna. Deanna and I kept talking about X factor and Keaton for a lot longer. I couldn't believe how fast today went by though. I woke up at 10:00am and Deanna’s been here for a while now. It’s about, 7:30 now. There’s one hour until Keaton going to be here. "Keaton's going to be here in an hour" I told Deanna. "Well, I need to go anyway. Good luck with Keaton!" Deanna said. "Okay Bye!" I said to her. "Bye!" She said. Deanna got up, grabbed her bag and left.

What should I do for an hour? I walked into the kitchen. I could see Keaton with Drew and Wes through the window. I looked like they were giving him a pep talk. I decided to get some cleaning done. Yeah, I know, it’s not to fun. I loaded some dirty dishes into the dish washer I looked out the window. Keaton was playing guitar and singing. He’s just so perfect no matter what he does. It was a new song. I know basically every song he's sang. Yeah, I sounded like a fan girl, but it’s true. I finished loading the dish washer so I just went into the bathroom to make sure I looked okay. I still looked perfect. My curls still looked like they were just done. Where did she get that hair spray? My make-up looks so great. It doesn’t even look like I’m wearing much. I had a lot of time to waste so I decided I could play some music. I put my Phone on its iPhone dock and put my favorites on shuffle. I love music, so much.

About 5 minutes until Keaton's going to be here. I went upstairs and I grabbed my favorite black leather bag, it already had the stuff I needed in it. I went back down stairs to wait for Keaton. I took my phone off its dock and I shut off the music. I put my phone in my bag. It's 8:29pm. Keaton should be here any minute. I'm so nervous. It's my first date with Keaton. I want this to be perfect.

*Knock, Knock* Keaton's here! I open the door and step outside. "We're ganna go to my house first, if that cool." Keaton told me. "Yeah" I said smiling. I'm pretty sure that I’m blushing really bad, good thing I didn’t wear any blush. We walked into Keaton's back yard. He had a T.V. set up outside with blankets and pillows and his guitar was out there to. "Awe, this is so, sweet!" I couldn't stop smiling. Keaton rapped one of his arms around me. He looked back at one of the windows, I knew Drew and Wes where there watching. We went to sit on the blankets. Keaton grabbed his guitar. "I uh, wrote a song for you." Keaton said. "Awe, really? That’s so sweet" I said. Keaton started playing the guitar and singing the song to me. It was so sweet. “There's a sun shining your beauty. There's a moon looking at your beauty all night. And there are stars... feeling your beauty around you.” Keaton sang. He kept singing this amazing song. Everything was so perfect. I don't care about anything else at all. He's so amazing. Keaton finished the song. "So, what'd you think?" he asked. "It was awesome!" I told him smiling. "So, you wanna watch some Disney movies? I have tons!" He said awkwardly. Awe, he's so cute when he's nervous. "Yeah, you got the lion king?" I asked. "Yeah." I Keaton said. Keaton opened the DVD case for the lion king and put it in the DVD player. "So, I figured we could get to know each other." Keaton said. "Okay, well, I'm Auditioning for Factor in about 2 weeks" I told him "Really? You sing? Not that I would think you'd be a bad singer or anything." Keaton said surprised. "Yeah, I know" I said. "What are you singing for your audition?" Keaton asked. “‘The A team' By Ed Sheeran." I said. "I love that song!" He said. I smiled and said "It's like, my favorite song." "Me to!" he said. "We'll have a lot in common if we like the same kind of music. Music is like, my entire life." I told him. "Yeah, me to." He said smiling. Drew came outside with some popcorn. "Thanks, man" Keaton said to Drew. "No problem" Drew went back inside. Keaton and I sat there talking about X factor and stuff.

After the lion king, it was 10:00 so Keaton walked me home. We got my stairs Keaton hugged me and as we pulled away, his eyes met mine, and glanced down at my lips and soon out lips met too.

[Please vote and comment! My first fan fiction so I hope you guys like it!]

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