The Depression

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Mashall's Perpective

"Come on, Jennifer," I said in response to her reaction.

"I swear to God! I've never seen them before in the college," she exclaimed, examining the pictures of Yousef's group.

"Same here! But I learned their names from the tags," I informed her.

Among them were two guys who weren't from our college. Then there was the same guy I had seen with Yousef the first time, the one who looked peculiar. His name was Wasim. Another guy, who appeared attractive, stood right next to Yousef. His name was Arsher.

"God, the names," she remarked as she glanced at the tags.

"So, are you sure you like him?" She questioned, leaving me momentarily speechless.

"Um, I think I'm getting over it," I said hesitantly.

"You should. He's so ugly. I can't believe you're into him. Have you seen yourself? And then look at him, he looks..." She started, but I interrupted her.

"He's not that bad, come on," I defended.

"Bad is an understatement," she countered, folding her arms.

Truth be told, he wasn't exactly hot, but he had a decent look about him. He was on the skinny side, with a bit of acne, and he wore vinyl glasses, but...

"...and he has a bent nose!" She nearly exclaimed.

I conceded that point, but I also believed that personality counted more than looks.

"Look, you can do better. Go for someone mysterious with a husky, manly voice and broad muscles," she suggested, sending shivers down my spine.

"Well, imagine in a few years, he might have that kind of body, you know, with the gym and all," I argued.

"In his dreams," she chuckled.

"Anyway, let's go downstairs and have lunch," I suggested.

Later, after having lunch, we watched a movie, and then it was soon time for her to leave. I returned to my room and began studying for an upcoming exam.

It had been nice talking to Jennifer; she was funny.

As I was engrossed in my studies, Yousef's smile flashed into my mind. It was a nice smile, and I couldn't understand why Jennifer found it so strange and creepy.

"Have you finished studying?" My mother asked as I organized my books.

"Yeah," I replied quietly.

"So, when are you getting married?" My mother inquired, chuckling.

Yousef's face immediately filled my thoughts.

"Mum!" I sighed in irritation.

"What, Mum? One day, you'll have to," she remarked.

"Seriously? I'm still in college!" I retorted, scrolling through my iPad.

"Come on, Mashal!" She persisted.

"Um, the 14th of never," I replied.

"So unromantic," she commented before leaving my room.

"Well, at least close the door!" I nearly yelled as she left the door open while exiting.

Soon, my phone chimed, and I answered it; it was Zee.

"How may I help you?" I said, sighing.

"Man, how much do you sigh?" She asked, amusement lacing her tone.

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