Chapter 4

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A little later we were walking again towards the shortcut I found. We were greeted by a surprise. Sure enough there was a dip in the road so the ash would be thicker. I started waking forward.

"Lizzie wait-" Scarlet started. Too late, I slipped and fell under. My stubbornness will be the death of me.

"LIZ!" I heard Chris yell. There was a scream from Rochelle. I didn't go far, I got stuck from the waist down. I started coughing from the ash that I stirred up. I didn't want silicosis or the ash to turn into cement in my lungs.

"Liz! Grab hold!" Scarlett yelled. I looked over, Chris was hanging onto a tree branch near by and onto Rochelle's hand, Rochelle had a grip of Scarlett who had a hand stretched out to me. I grabbed her hand and they pulled me out. I sat on the ground and continued my coughing fit. I could hardly breath, my mask had slipped and I took a huge breath accidentally and it wasn't like inhaling snow, this stuff doesn't melt. Sand would be better than this poison. 

I couldn't risk taking out a water bottle, ash could get in the bottle and I would have to throw out that bottle completely. Rochelle was rubbing and hitting my back which was loosening up the particles and helping a bit.

"Scar, is there a town or a building near by we can stop at?" Chris asked.

"Not for another 6 miles." Scarlett answered.

"Okay, uh we didn't go far from that rest area, maybe we can head back." Chris offered. I was still coughing but I could feel the ash clearing up.

"No." I croaked. "We can't lose time, we need to keep walking." I coughed again and stood up. "This area will be gone in just a day or two,  the ash is piling up bit by bit, and we need to get home. The climate will drop in just a couple weeks and we need to be prepared." I stopped and kept coughing. Rochelle started patting my back again.

"Lizzie listen to yourself you're practically dying." Chris said sternly. I looked at him and coughed.

"I'll be fine, we need to keep moving. Dont worry about me I'll be fine." I spoke. 

"Chris, I have to agree with her." Scarlet sighed. "I hate to admit it but she's right if we stay here we'll be buried." 


"Chris we need to listen to Lizzie, we'll help her when we stop again." Rochelle urged. I smiled at them, they understand.


"Chris, we can't help her if we're buried under ash, and if we have to take that long route then we better get marching because it may just take all day to get there." Scarlet spoke to her brother. Chris sighed then picked up his bag.

"Then let's get moving." 


The ash got deeper as we were walking. We'll have to eventually be using snowshoes. The ash was showing no signs of letting up anytime soon, if it keeps falling like this we may get buried. This is way more ash than the scientists could have ever predicted. 

"It's weird..." Scarlet mumbled.

"What is?" I asked then proceeded to cough.

"We haven't seen another person in 2 days." Scarlet responded. I thought about it, she's right, there should be a bunch of people somewhere, hiking for their lives. 

"Maybe they made it to the town. Everyone left sooner than we did." I answered.

"Maybe..." Scarlet mumbled. Afterwards we went back into our silence besides my coughing. IT was starting to hurt my lungs, but considering the fact that I can't feel anymore dust it must mean that my throat is irritated. My lungs feel fine which is a good sign. No chance of silicosis or liquid cement. I hope. 

Fallen AshNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ