Chapter 7

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My head is throbbing. I've had migraines before, but they all were mere aches compared to this. The slightest breath made it hurt even more. A low moan escaped my lips as I regained consciousness.

I laid where I was for a minute, unconcerned of where I was or how I got here, all I know is that I need to relax my head. So I laid there for what felt like an hour before finally opening my eyes. My vision was blurred, hazy even. I had to squint really hard to figure out where I was.

A tent. I was in a tent.

Memories of the attack flooded my head and I felt my side begin to ache. That's right, I was shot, how am I even alive?

As I looked around some more I realized that Liam was laying 2 sleeping bags away from me. I swallowed, hoping to wet my throat so I could speak.

"Liam?" My voice was hoarse. I hardly recognized it. Liam jumped awake and turned in my direction.

"Lizzie?" He whispered and walked over to me. I tried sitting up but yelped as my side disagreed.

"You shouldn't move to much, that was quite a shot you took." He ordered, pushing my shoulders back down against the mat I was on.

"Where are we?"I asked.

"We made it to the camp. You've been in and out of consciousness since we got here."

"How long ago?"

"A week? Maybe 8 days?"

"8 days?" I gasped and tried sitting up.

"Whoa, easy there, Lizzie," He pushed me back down, "don't strain too much, or those stitches will come out. And trust me they aren't well done." I lifted the blanket and lifted my shirt up weakly, sure enough I was wrapped in bandages 3 or 4 times. I peeked under the bandages and lifted up the gauze pad, the stitches were obviously made with a straight needle, not a curved one. I've gotten stitches more than once, so I know.

"The veterinarian here isn't too familiar with human problems but he can definitely take care of surgical procedures. When we got here he was the first one to walk up to us, and it wasn't even a greeting, he rushed us into his tent and started opening your wound, getting the bullet pellets out of your side, and stitching you up. He did a good job for a vet with hardly any supplies." Liam ranted. He grabbed an open cup, filled it with water and held it to my lips, I sipped at it carefully.

"You've been delirious after that, your eyes never actually opened but you were constantly mumbling about God knows what. When I saw your eyes were open a few minutes ago, I knew you fully regained consciousness. How do you feel?" He put the cup down when I finished.

"Uh, I mean I'm in a heck of a lot of pain but over all I feel okay." I shrugged,

"That's a good sign." He smiled.

"You saved our skins." I whispered. His face fell.

"You had to kill those men, but you saved us Liam, thank you." I smiled, remembering what had happened.

"I wasn't quick enough, if I was only a second sooner you wouldn't have gotten shot." He whispered.

"Hey, I'm alive, that's what counts." He smiled when I said that.

"Yeah, thanks."

Later that day the Veterinarian showed up at my tent to look at my stitches.

"Well, the look like they're healing nicely. Drink plenty of water and some of these." He handed me a small bag full of Marshmallows. 

"They're a bit stale, but your blood sugar is going to be low, so eat these and it should help." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. He nodded and walked out. Liam was still in the tent. I hadn't seen anyone else.

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