Part 1 {Hi, i'm (y/n)}

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EDITED 8.4.2017 (Didn't do too big changes)

Your P.O.V.

"Come on (y/n)!! Become my nakama!" Those were the only words i needed. Really why would i stay in place where i was nothing to anybody. And i kind of owe Luffy my life, so why not. It's weird though, i don't know any of the crew members yet. I'm waiting at the local bar for Luffy to come and get me. I look at the starry sky and sigh thi, this really was it. I was finally leaving this shitty little town. As my thoughts were running around i then i heard foot steps coming closer and i see Luffy running towards me. 

Chuckling little at the raven headed boy i thought. 'Does he always have that big smile on his face? Doesn't it hurt to smile so wide all the time?' I then shook my head, turning to properly look at him. "Are you ready?" Luffy asks, smile never leaving his face. I look at the sky one more time before answering. "Yeah."

The walk to the ship took less time than what i expected, but i was actually happy about that. I took quick look at the ship and smiled little. 'That's one weird looking ship... I love it!' I walked after Luffy to the ship and stopped to look at the deck... it was amazing, it has real grass on it! "EVERYONE!! COME HERE!!! (Y/N) IS FINALLY HERE!!!!" Luffy shouted at the ships deck. Soon people started to come from different places. I looked at all them, slight smile playing on my lips.

First came the blue haired guy, Franky. "Hello there! It's SUUUPER nice to meet you." He winked at me and moved on. Then came the skeleton and the little guy. "Hohohoho, i'm Brook and this here is Chopper." Chopper bowed his head little and smiled to me. "Miss (Y/n), may i see your panties?" Brook looked at me and i only smirked little. "Maybe later." I winked at him and suddenly he was pushed away by this blond guy. "Good day, (Y/n)~chan! My name is Sanji and i'm here when ever you need something." 

With that he walked away, and this very muscular guy walked up to me. He had green eyes and weird smirk on his face. "Yo, i'm Zoro, and if you want train, i'm here to train with you." Then he also walked away, leaving me with this really long nosed guy. "Hey there! My name is Usopp, it's nice to meet you!" I started to think that I was only girl in the ship, until Nami came to me, she seems so nice and she knows how to handle the boys. "Nice to get more girls on the ship!" 

And when i thought that was all, oh i was so wrong... I noticed there was still one. Beautiful woman with black hair, that reached just little below her shoulders. Her blue eyes, oh god those eyes! It felt like the whole world stopped as i saw her. "Hello, i'm Robin" I could just melt to her voice... and that smile she cave to me! "Hi, i'm (Y/n)" I felt my cheeks get warm as she smiled to me. 'God damn (Y/n)! Get a grip girl!' Luckily my thoughts were stopped by Luffy's shouting. "NOW LETS DRINK!!!! WE HAVE NEW NAKAMA!!!!" Luffy's face looked like it was going to split again when he smiled. Everyone cheered and started to prepare the party.

Robins P.O.V.

'So this is the girl Luffy was talking about. I can tell she has had a rough life. Those (e/c) eyes, they hold so much guard towards all of us. But why? What has she been through?' I looked at her from afar, when suddenly. 'Oh! She smiled... what is this feeling? Am i getting sick?' I couldn't take my eyes off from her (h/l), (h/c) hair, as it flowed little in the wind. As i watched her, i felt that weird feeling again. 'Could it be? I have read about those kind of feelings but I never... I want to know more about her' 

Nami came running to me, wide smile on her lips. "Robin! Sooo... what did you think of the new girl? I like her! We needed more girl power anyway" Nami seems to be excited about (Y/n) too. "I like her too..." I felt how my cheeks started warming up. "I'll go to my room to read one of the books I bought today, it seemed to be really interesting." I started walking to my room hoping she didn't notice my face.

(A/N Little did she know, how wrong she was!! Muhahahhaahh! (+.+))

Your P.O.V

Every one was having fun. Luffy, Usopp, Chopper and Brook were doing something with... chop sticks? Franky was dancing his own dance, Zoro was drinking his booze and Sanji was hanging with Nami and Robin. As my eyes traveled through my new family, my eyes stopped to look at her again. Somehow i don't like Sanji being so much around Robin, but i can't do anything about it. I mean i just came here! I can't start fight with someone right away! And i really like these guys. This is weird feeling, It's like... first time in my life i have place to be in. I have family. Maybe, just maybe, joining this crew wasn't that bad idea.

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