Part 4 {jealous much}

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Third person P.O.V

was another normal, peaceful day at the Strawhat crew. Everyone was doing their own things.

(Y/n) was reading news paper and drinking her smoothie that Sanji had done for her, when Usopp, Luffy and Chopper came to her with wide grins on their faces. (Y/n) looked at the three boys with questioning look.

"What are you guys up to?" She asked bit confused. The three boys didn't answer. They just kept staring at her. "Okay... guys... you're starting to creep me out..." Suddenly Luffy just took her hands and got her up from the chair she was siting in. Then they all started to run, Luffy still holding my hand and dragging me with them who knows where.

Your P.O.V

"What are you guys doing!?!?" I was bit shocked of the Sudden action of our so loved captain. I couldn't do anything just follow the now running boy and his little sidekicks. We ran to the middle of the ship and sat down. "So you wanna tell me what is going on?" I tried to keep calm and not to shut at them. "Oh! We didn't say anything? Sorry... we just wanted you to play something with us!!" I watched at them in disbelieve when Usopp explained the situation.

I just shook my head. Why not! I'm already here so I might as well just play with them. "So what do you guys wanna play?" I asked and their already huge smiles got bigger. "Something with cars!" "Okay"

We played with cards for hours and in the end all of us fell a sleep. Unfortunately I fell a sleep in Luffys arms.

Robins P.O.V

I was reading some book about the history of East Blue and started to think of (Y/n)... 'I wanna see her.' So I left my room and went to see where that lovely girl of mine is. But the place where I found her wasn't too pleasant. She was in the arms of another person. I walked to her and woke her up.

Your P.O.V

I felt someone shaking me awake and opened my eyes. First thing I saw was Robin. "Hello there beautiful, what do you need?" I asked and closed my eyes again. She didn't say anything and I opened my eyes, this time I didn't see Robin, but Luffys sleeping face. 'Luffys sleeping face?!?! Oh no, no no no no no!' That is never good! I moved my eyes back to Robin and tried to smile innocently. She stayed quiet and took my hand. She started to drag me to her room.

When we finally arrived to the room she let me in and turned to lock the door.

"Um.... Robin? Is everything okay?" She didn't answer. Robin turned to face me with really serious look on her face. She started to walk towards me and before i could do anything she hugged me. "R-r-robin!? What a-a-are you doing?!" I felt how my face was growing hotter every passing second.

"....mine" "huh?... did you say something? Hey Robin! Are you alright?" "I said that you're mine!" Wow... She almost never raises her voice.

Then I realized what she said and my face turned really close to tomato. She raised her head and looked me into my eyes. Little by little we both started to lean in for a gentle but loving kiss. I had pretty wild fireworks going in my head. We broke the kiss and she pressed her forehead to mine.

"I love you (Y/n), really much and I do not want to see you in the arms of another woman or man." I smiled at that so wide that I swear my face could have cracked in to two halves. "I love you too. But really Robin.... you lose your cool when I fell a sleep in Luffys, LUFFYS, arms?" She made little pouting face at that and I started to giggle little and kissed her nose. "I just wanna make sure that not even the most airheaded guy can take you away from me." Once again If I got to another chance to do different... I would change nothing. And i'm more than just happy that I joined this crew.

Life couldn't be better.

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