A Twisted Birthday Threesome (Roc Royal and Princeton Imagine)

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Roc , Prince , and Y/N Imagine !

Today is your birthday , and all you want... is a threesome with the two hottest and most popular guys at school. You know it will be hard to convince them BOTH to go along with it but , you'll try your best. " If they agree , girl you better make sure to inform me ! Cause , I wanna watch ", my best friend Myraina said. " Rain , you're not gonna watch ", you laughed. " Fine ", she sighed. " So... I'm trying to get Jacob and you're getting Chresanto ? ", she asked.

" Yeah ", she smiled. " And by get , I mean get him to tag along ", you notified her. " I know ! ", she giggled. " Alright well... get going ! ", you shooed her off. Rain walked over to Jacob and informed him that it was your birthday. " So , she was wondering if you'd like to join a threesome with her ? ", she asked. " Who's the third person ? ", he raised an eyebrow. " Chresanto , but probably me if he doesn't wanna ", she said. " Alright , I'm down ", he licked his lips. Rain smiled and walked away.

Now , you slowly made your way over to Chres. He and Jacob are just... too attractive to approach. ' Maybe I can back out of this ' you thought. You turned to walk away but , too late... he already noticed you ! " Yo , Y/N ", he called after you. ' F/ck my life ! ' you thought as you turned around. " Yes ? ", you raised an eyebrow. " I know it's your birthday today , happy birthday by the way. But , is there anything in particular that I can do for you ? ", he licked his lips.

" Well , I was wondering if... ", you bit your lip nervous to say anything else. " You want me to f/ck you ", he smirked. " Yeah , sorta... but there's more. I wanted to have a... threesome ", you giggled nervously as you rub your right arm. " Who's the third ? ", he asked. " I'm trying to get Jacob ", I said. " Perez ? ", he raised an eyebrow. " Yeah ", you said. " Oh yeah , I'm down ! ", he licked his lips. " Well... see you tonight then ", you gave him a quick hug , then walked away happily !

" You got Jacob in on it ? ", I asked Rain as I approached her. " Yup , Chres ? ", she asked. " Obviously ",I giggled. " Now , all I have to do is wait... and I can't wait ", I was very hyperactive about the situation. " Keep patient... It's soon to come ", she calmed me down. I smiled before walking off to class with her.



After School

You've been so excited to see Jacob and Chresanto all day. You just got out of the shower , and you're looking for an outfit to keep you comfortable , yet impress. You finally find the right one , and throw it on.You put on some Cherry Blossom lotion , Same type perfume , and throw your hair into a messy bun. A knock you hear at the door. You rush down the stairs , but before you open the door you make sure your house smells nice. A nice can of febreze should do the trick. You pick it up , and spray around the living room. Another knock to the door. You check yourself one last time before opening the door.

" Hi ", you smile as you see both guys standing at your door. " Hey ", they both say in unison. " Come in ", you open the door a bit wider to let them in. They walk in , and observe your main room , before words were actually spoken. " Nice house ", Roc smiled. " Thanks ", you smiled back. " Yet , I'm pretty sure your bedroom looks better ", Prince bit his lip. You smiled and grabbed ahold of both of their hands. You led them to your room , and closed the door behind you. " I think I'll have... you first ", you pushed Roc on the bed and climbed on top as you kissed him , while Jacob began to undress. You and Roc helped each other undress. Once all clothes were removed , you got off of him , and down on your knees as he sat up.

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