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I'm going to be real with you guys. After all of the comments and messages you've been sending, and the support, I feel like I know you all and I feel that I can trust all of you. So I thought I should tell you this.

Last year, I don't really know when, but I came down with depression. I havent been to a doctor or counselor, and I know I should, so it isn't concrete.

Last year was hard on me. For a while I thought of killing myself. (But I'm better now and would never do it) I slowly got better, without any outside help, and although I as getting better, I'm still feeling depressed.

So for a month or so I'm going to stop writing until I can get a hold of myself. Im sorry I dumped this on you guys, and I know you probably didn't want to hear about it, but you deserved an explanation for my short chapters and long waits.

I'm sorry, and I hope to see all you lovelies soon,

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