Operation save Foggy

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They arrived on top of the building Stick took charge and Matt followed behind.  They had come up with a plan but Matt had completely forgotten it.  He was used to working on his own he didn't think of plans or who went where.

"Let's get going" Matt called out

"Wait Matty"


"You're doing it already"

"Doing what?  I don't have time for games Stick"

"Letting your emotions get the better of you.  We haven't even started and you are all over the place"

"I am not"

"Like hell you're not.  Get your shit together or you'll get yourself killed"

Matt took a deep breath told himself that he needed to be in control for Foggy's sake after all the reason he was here was to save his friend.  They found a small window and both of them climbed through.  The room was dark.

"You go left.  I'll go right kid.  Check out the whole floor"

"Wait.  I don't hear his heartbeat up here"

"He's here alright but he's about three floors below I can just make him out"

"How do we get down there?"

"There's an elevator over there"

"Personally I prefer the stairs"

"I'm not really a fan myself but"

"Shh! someone is coming" Matt raised his hand

The two men separated each hiding behind a pillar on either side of the floor.  Stick heard Matt bring down the first man and before the second man had a chance to react Stick had brought down the second one just as fast.  Matt stood in the dark, head turned slightly.

"What is it?" Stick whispered

"I hear more on the way.  They don't know we are here yet but there's enough of them to keep us busy for a while.  You wanted a war old man.  I think you just got it"

"You call this a war" he snorted.  "Come on you big girl"

"Stick.  Don't kill anyone" Matt warned

"Yeah whatever"

They went through the rooms, the floor seemed to continue on and on.  Stick and Matt fought their way through.  Matt heard Stick fall but he wasn't down for long.  Suddenly the elevator doors opened and two men walked out

"I'm starving" one said to the other

"Yeah, I could eat.  Do you know where my jacket is?"

"Haven't seen it.  Hey that Nelson guy, he is a fighter"

Matt gritted his teeth and made a fist with his hand.  He was hiding in the dark.

"Can't see him lasting too much longer he's not looking well down there"

Stick placed a hand across Matt's chest to tell him to wait and to hold him back.

"On my count" he whispered

Matt was raring to go but he didn't move he remained in his spot.

"Now " Stick roared and ran out from hiding place.

Matt pulled one back by the collar.  Stick went for the other guy elbowing him in the head.

"What the?"

"Shh!" Matt whispered placing his hand over the man's mouth. "Where is the lawyer Nelson?" Matt said grabbing the man by the throat and holding him up against the wall leaving his feet dangling.

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