Excerpt 4 From The Book I'll Never Write

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"Little did you know, she was fake and that "love" you guys had wasn't fate."
            She had a smile to die for, a body of a model and a sweet sounding voice, she was as some people may portray as perfection.
             But in deep, dark hours of the night, no one knew who she was or where she was.
              The "urgent" family visits and "important meetings", were at frat houses and in boys rooms in near by towns.
               She gave you half of her in exchange for all you, all was never enough, it creeped in the back of your mind like a child's invision of a  monster under there bed, late at night while you were all alone.
                No matter how many times she lied, you always came back hoping to keep her, but she wasn't a keeper, you just feel in love with someone you didn't need, and you sure as hell needed to leave her.

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