Prologue - It Can't Be That Hard To Get Your Own Plane

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"Tyler! C'mon man... we're getting seriously late here! There is no time to get coffee or a bagel." Hunter couldn't help but getting irritated at his best-friend. His temper was slowly rising and if Tyler kept up his antics, Hunter was sure he would punch the nearest wall.

It was absolutely necessary that he reached New York in the next few hours. Otherwise, they'd miss it. Everything he'd planned was about to crash just because the two boys had bad time management.

Technically he hadn't really planned much. It was a decision he took a few hours ago: run away to New York.

"Sorry, Holt, but you didn't even let me eat before we left my place. Are you sure about this?"

Hunter couldn't help but sighing. He had to go do this; it was life or death to him. Three years was a long time to wait.

"Without a doubt. Now we need to run if we have to make it on time."

Hunter couldn't believe how long it was taking to charter his own plane. Each and everyone sense of his had been heightened and time felt like it was stretching into forever. He felt as if everyone was taking their own sweet time since it wasn't rush hour. While he maintenance crew checked up on the plane, Hunter leaned back against his car and watched onward. The morning sun was just beginning to glare at the ground and Hunter could feel his blood pulsing through his veins.

Tyler looked at his best-friend. It was crazy how badly he wanted to pick up and go half way across the country. Honestly, it was like he would die if he didn't reach on time. Even Tyler didn't know why they were going. Every time Tyler would ask, the answer he would get was 'to fix a mistake I made.' It was the understatement of the century to say that Tyler was a little bit pissed. There was no award show, or interview or anything of that sort that Hunter needed to attend so badly.

It had started out crazy. Hunter had shot up a few hours ago claiming he needed to be in NYC. Why? To fix a mistake he made. What was this mistake? Nobody knew. But Tyler had a fair idea. I mean, it was written all over the album he wrote after he came out of high-school. It was all over the wall he had stuck pictures on. And it was definitely obvious if you looked at his contacts.

Tyler thought he had it all figured out. His theory was that Hunter was going to surprise an old high-school friend of his that he'd recently got connected with. What Tyler didn't know was that, he was sonly half-way right.


It took two hours to get the plane. Even though the security checks and all had finished in roughly half an hour, the safety check for the plane itself took a long time. Seriously, nobody understood the frantic panic that was brewing in Hunter's stomach. And still, because of the heavy traffic on the runway, they had to wait for a while. In total, instead of taking 2 ½ hours, it took about five hours to land in NYC.

The minute the plane's engines were switched off, Hunter jumped down and started racing towards the car that was standing for them. In Tyler's honest opinion, Hunter needed to calm down.

But the latter was far too busy adjusting the time on his phone and giving directions to the driver.

"Right mate. I'm not coming if you don't tell me where we're going and why."

"You'll understand when we get there, I swear. Just please don't back out. I'm not gonna be able to do this otherwise."

"It's like you're possessed. Calm. The. Hell. Down."

"I promise I will. Just get in the car so we can get going."


A/N: The title is inspired by the song I Want Crazy :)

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