Chapter 9 - California Girls

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Dianna rolled over and groaned. She didn't remember how she fell asleep. The last thing she could think of was talking to Mason. She pulled the blanket closer to her and watched the hands on her little clock move. Today was her birthday. So far, Mason was the only one who remembered. El had already told her that she wouldn't call at midnight since she was just too lazy. Dianna had shrugged and said that she would do the same. 

Since she usually lived alone with Mason, Dianna never really bothered to change out of her pyjamas. Today was no different. Walking into the dining room however, she saw a sight. Sitting at the dining tables was her father. 

"Dianna!" His voice boomed. She almost flinched. Almost. 

"Dad. What are you doing here?" She could feel a glimmer of hope but she refused to acknowledge it. There was no way. 

"Well, this is my home." He smiled and continued on his phone. Dianna took her usual place and began on her own breakfast. She had just finished buttering her toast when Mason ran in. 

"Dianna." His expression said it all. He had been looking for her. Probably to tell her about their father's impromptu visit. 

"Mason." Dianna looked at him and hoped he got her message. She saw him shake his head slightly and sit down on the table. 

The tense silence was suffocating. The only sound that filled the room was of the spoons and forks against the plates.  

"So Dad... Did you come for something special?" Dianna couldn't help it. The sentence just came out of her mouth. Mason's eyes flew to hers and he looked pitiful.  

"I was free for the weekend. I thought I'd get some relaxing time."  

"With us?" Mason put his fork down and asked. 

"That wasn't the original plan but life changes everyone's plans." 

"Wow." Dianna mockingly clapped. "That is so deep. Totally not overused."  

"Thank you Dianna."  

Dianna had to bite back the hundreds of things she wanted to scream at her father. But for Mason's sake, she forced herself to stay seated. 

"Ms.Simmons?" Dianna looked up. "There is someone here to see you." 

"Someone's here to see Dianna?" Mason snorted. It was his attempt to lighten the mood. "That doesn't happen often..." 

"Shut up." His sister threw her toast at him. 

While they were busy arguing, Hunter walked in. The room suddenly fell silent. Even her dad looked up from his phone. 

"Hunter?" Mr. Simmons and Dianna spoke together. Mason was too busy shoving croissant into his mouth. He turned to look at the new boy. 

"Mr.Simmons, uh sir. Pleasant surprise." His queasiness was obvious to anyone with eyes.  

"You hang around here a lot, boy?" Gone was Mr. Simmons' oblivious attitude. The owner of one of Hollywood's biggest record label was in control. 

"Well, sometimes because Mason is a good friend and Dee- um Dianna is pretty cool too." Hunter stuttered out. His last meeting with this guy hadn't gone so well and in all honesty, he was shit scared. 

"You've been working on the album, I suppose?" He looked at Hunter with the look that sent shivers down his spine.  

"Yeah. Um, I've got something going on in here." He tapped the side of his head. Before their conversation could continue, Mason decided to step in the conversation, effectively saving Hunter's ass. 

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