Chapter 13 - Black

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A/N: There was once a girl with pink glasses who read a story on this website. She really liked it and became a dedicated reader. She began her own works (inspired by the original author, I think) and was very bad at updating. She cries every time the author of the first story sends her a sneak into the new chapter. Can anyone tell me who I'm talking about? Person with the correct answer get's the next chapter dedication! :D

"Dee you can't be serious." Hunter looked at her, shocked at what she was saying.

"Why not?" She crossed her arms across her chest. "If Mason won't tell me that he's sleeping with my best friend, of all people, then I don't have to tell him either." She set her face into a scowl and Hunter smirked. He had an idea.

"But if you were gonna, what would you tell him?" Dianna's eyebrows creased for a second. Then they went back to normal. They cycle repeated for a few minutes and Hunter had to bit his lip to stop himself from laughing.

"I'd tell him that..." She paused for dramatic effect. "I'd tell him that we kissed." Hunter was left speechless.

"That's it?" He asked, incredulous of her simple response.

"Yeah." She answered, not noticing his obvious displeasure at

"Well yeah. It's not like you asked me officially to be your girlfriend or anything."

"This isn’t Suits and we’re not Mike and Rachel."

"Guilty as charged." She shrugged and laced their fingers again. They were on their way back to class now and Hunter stopped her at their lockers. He paused and thought for a second.

"I'll see you later." He winked and pressed a quick kiss to her lips. Dianna waved and went off to her own class.

The goofy smile never left either of their faces.


"I want coffee."

"We're going to have ice cream."

"It's my car."

"I don't care."

"You're a jerk."

"Are you're bitchy ninety percent of the time."

"Hey!" Dianna shoved Hunter and he groaned. For someone with such a petite frame, the girl sure had strength.

"It's true you know." Dianna shrugged and ruffled his hair to which Hunter squirmed. He hated when people touched his hair.

"So... Pralines and Cream?" She smiled when Hunter fist pumped the arm and jumped into the car.

"How did you know that?" It was his favorite flavor and Hunter would do almost anything for it.

"I did my research since you know so much about me already."

"You are amazing."

"I know. You kinda told me before.”

Hunter slipped an arm around her waist pulled her close.

“And don’t you forget it.”


Mason found out about the two of them a few weeks later. And he was pissed beyond measure. He went to extremes and stopped talking to the both of them. And that pissed Dianna off. Which Hunter didn't mind too much because he found pissed Dianna hot.

"The nerve of him! The little shit" Dianna ranted and threw random objects at the wall. Hunter had stopped trying to calm her down ages ago.

"Dee..." Hunter played with his fingers and leaned back on her bed.

"No! He's pissed at me because we're going out. And he won't even confess to me about his stupid secret." She screamed and threw another object which shattered immediately. Hunter winced as if it physically pained him.

"Dee..." Hunter picked up her ringing phone. "It's a message from El."

"Ignore." She snapped and paced around her spacious room. Why was Mason so infuriating?


"What?" She snapped at him and he beckoned her over. She complied and snuggled up in his side. This was her latest favorite thing. Somehow, Hunter always managed to stay really warm so it was like sliding into your blanket every time.

He took a deep breathe, "Dee, listen. I don't wanna create a rift between you and your brother, you know? So,-"

"You're not breaking up with me are you?" Dianna shot up and sat face-to-face with him, a slight panic in her voice. Hunter burst out laughing which didn't help.

"Are you insane?" He shook his head and laced their finger which was his latest favorite thing. "After all that, you think I'm gonna walk away just like that? Tell me you’re kidding.”

"Just making sure." She mumbled and Hunter leaned over and pecked her cheek.

"Talk to them." He shot her a look and passed her the phone. "For me."

"Fine." Dianna groaned and pressed the speed dial.


As soon as Dianna finished on the phone, she went around the house and looked for Mason. It wasn't hard to find him. He was in the game room down in the basement. It probably took Dianna five minutes to find him.

Mason was still pissed. How could she have not told him? He was her older brother for crying out loud!

I Want Crazy | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora