Whatever you say Sir Curlington

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So at this point curly top decides to introduce everyone. "That's Zayn," he said while pointing to Mr. Quiff "that's Louis" while pointing to a brown haired boy "that's Niall," while pointing at a blonde haired boy with beautiful blue eyes "and that's Liam" he said with pointing to another brown haired boy. "Well hello to you." I said in the general direction of the boys. "I suppose your friends with sir curlington? Am I correct?" I asked Liam just nodded. "Wait! Sir Curlington?" Harry asked. "Wow! You catch on fast don't you?" I asked . "Of course i do Mary Jane." Sir Curlington shot back. "First of all my name's Krysta. It is not, under any circumstances, Mary Jane. Second sir Curlington is a cool name. And triangle, are you gonna cry curly top?" I asked with a smirk on my face. "Uh, no, why would I, I mean," Sir Curlington said. "Whatever you say sir Curlington." Mr. Quiff said. Hehe Mr. Quiff is kinda cool. "I'm hungry!!!!!!" Niall screamed at Liam. "Uhm is your friend okay?" I asked a little alarmed by the sudden outburst. "Kwysta! Uncle Ni Ni hungry!" Lux said. Well okay then. I guess this is normal then? "Yeah, Niall's fine. He's just a hungry leprechaun is all." Louis said. "Um there's some Nandos in the fridge. Help yourselves!" I replied. "Nandos! Hooray!" Niall shouted and did a funny little happy dance. "Uh well can we sit down and maybe get to know you?" Liam asked very kindly. "Of course! Living room is right through that door. Please be careful though. Lux has some toys on the ground." I said in a warning tone. Sir Curlington and has gaggle of friends then proceeded to walk into my living room. "Aaaaaaaah!" I heard someone scream! "I stepped on a lego!" I same voice yelped in pain. So, I picked up Lux and walked into the living room to see sir Curlington holding his foot. I tried desperately not to laugh. "Now what did I tell you about being careful Sir Curlington?" "You said to be careful of baby toys." Niall answered politely. "Why thank you for reminding him Niall!" I said. "Okay so what's your name?tell us something about yourself also" Mr Quiff said. "My name is Krysta Eden Teasdale I'm 16 and I'm a junior in high school. I enjoy music, helping with Lux, designing clothes,reading, and playing instruments. Oh! My favorite color is orange!" I said with a smile. The boys all nodded and Niall continued to eat. Lux was playing dress up with her teddy bears. I turned my attention to the five lads in front of me. "So you guys are the people my mum and Lux talk about?" They all nodded. "How come, if you don't mind me asking, we've never met you?" Liam asked. I simply replied with " I wanted a normal life. Not one where everyone thinks they know me. I wanted to be know for what I have accomplished, not for being known by someone famous. I wanted to be me and not what other people THINK I need to be. I want to be myself." I looked at the lads to see a shocked look on their faces. I look over to Lux who was playing with her dolls. Harry walks over to Lux and starts to play dolls with her. "Awwww Sir Curlington is playing dolls!" Niall said in a mocking voice. "No I'm not! I don't play with dolls!' Sir Curlington said. "Whatever you say Sir Curlington."

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