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I had just put Lux to bed and was walking down the stairs when I heard Sir Curlington scream. I rolled my eyes because he sounded like a girl. I walk into the living room and Harry is standing on the couch shaking like a frightened dog while all the other children of the band sat their with wide eyes. "What's wrong curly top?" I asked in a sarcastic manner. "T-there's a spider on my sleeping bag." Harry stuttered. What. Is this kid serious. He shrieked like a three year old girl over a spider?! "Harry, child of the band," I said while looking at the spider, "it is legit the size if a push pin and you're freaking out? You're supposed to be a man. As for you, other children of the band, I don't know why you're startled but whatever." I slowly bent over and picked the spider up. I think Harry was ready to pass out. I gently walked with the spider toward Harry. Harry had already started to gradually back away from me and was on the verge of sprinting away. I then turned toward Zayn. "Now Mr. Quiffy this spider doesn't look so bad now does it?" I asked Zayn. Zayn said "No it looks pretty harmless to me actually." "Now how cruel and heartless would it be for me to, because Harry is scared of it, kill it for no apparent reason. This creature has feelings too. For this reason I will not kill this spider but release it to the wild." I said in a quiet but firm tone. All of the boys nodded in agreement. I walked to the door and put the spider down outside. Harry mumbled a weak excuse for a thank you. Liam asked me if it was alright if they could watch a movie and I said it was fine. Then they gave Louis candy. Louis was bouncing off the walls and I thought he would never calm down. He asked me what country candy comes from and what language it speaks. I was quite appalled by his behavior because, by this time,he was screeching the lyrics to "Love is an open door" and pointing to the wall for it to sing its part. I was pretty concerned that he would wake Lux up. Niall had started to try to get him to calm down but it wasn't really working. I don't know how but we finally got Louis to fall asleep. After that all the children of the band went to sleep. It was 23:47 and I had a deep desire to write a song. I walked to my room and made sure to put a blanket in front of the door so the noise wouldn't leak through as much. After I had done that I grabbed my guitar and started playing. Soon I started to work on the lyrics of the song. Once I was satisfied I went to bed. I was awoken at 3:52 by a crying Lux. After I got her settled I went to check on the boys. After seeing they were okay I headed back up to my room. once I got to my room I was no longer very tired so I goofed around on YouTube for a bit before checking my Instagram. I didn't have many followers but I was okay with that. I didn't need everybody in the world knowing what I was having for lunch of what I was planning to do for the day. I quickly logged out of Instagram and decided to go back to sleep. It was now 4:39 and if I wanted to be able to function tomorrow I needed to sleep. As I began to doze off I was thinking about all if the exciting things we could do tomorrow. Maybe even taking Lux to the zoo was an option. the last thing that went through my mind before I fell asleep was 'I hope Luxy has a good summer.'

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