Zoo Adventure!!!

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I woke up the next morning to the smell of burning food and Luxy giggling. I groaned and rolled out of bed. I walked down the stairs in my awesome Batman pjs and entered the living room. Luxy, Louis, and Niall were there and they were watching Monsters University. Lux was sat between Louis and Niall. Zayn, by some magic, was still asleep on the other couch. I walked into the kitchen to find out what the burning smell was. when I entered the room Liam and Harry were rushing around with wide eyes as the food they were cooking on the stove was ablaze. "What. Have. You. Done. Styles." I asked through gritted teeth. Harry stopped running, turned to me, and said "Whilst I was cooking I needed to go to the bathroom so I just kinda left the room and, well, when I came back the food was on fire." "So why is Liam in here then?" I asked slightly interested. "Well I screamed in a very manly way and Liam came running in. " "Manly scream my foot! He sounded like a 2 year old girl. " Louis' voice sounded through the house.

*~*~*~* time lapse~*~*~*~

By this time Liam had successfully put out the fire and we were on our way to the zoo. I had called my friends Zoe (zoella), Alfie ( pointlessblog), Dan ( danisnotonfire ), Phil ( amazingphil ), and Louise (sprinkleofglitter) to come and meet us there. When we got to the zoo all of them were waiting for us. Louise had brought her daughter Darcy and husband Matt. When Darcy saw Lux she was so excited. I quickly gave the group a hug and introduced everyone. Once everyone was introduced we walked into the zoo. The first thing we saw were the lions. Phil ran over to the habitat and took a selfie with a lion behind him. we began to walk again and Dan was talking about his new shirt covered in cats. we soon approached the flamingo habitat and Lux and Darcy were really intrigued so I said can you say Flamingo and the girls said 'Mingo! Zoe asked me if the zoo had guinea pigs and I said I wasn't sure. when we reached the giraffes I reached out and petted it. The giraffe decided to greet me by licking my hand. Alfie was vlogging so he got the whole encounter on film. The one direction boys were taking selfies all over the place and with various animals. Matt was telling me about how this morning Darcy was singing let it go and said she wanted me to sing it to her. My close friends (youtubers) all know and have heard me sing. We soon got to the petting zoo area and I was really excited. I grabbed Lux and Darcy and walked into the little pen. A cute little goat come up to us and Darcy and Luxy burst into giggles. Little chicks soon caught the girls' attention. they spent the next four to five minutes chasing after the poor chicks. When the girls finally finished chasing the chicks they had gotten 2 of them. we all spent the rest o the night watching the girls play in the little animal pen. When we were done at the zoo Zoe, Alfie, Louise, Matt, Darcy, Dan, and Phil had to start heading home as it was getting late. The boys, Lux, and I got home in about 45 minutes after stopping in the Nandos drive through and order probably the whole entire store. All in all it was a great day. after we had finished eating and watching a movie, we went to bed.

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