(y/n)'s new ablities

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Flumpty introduced you to the whole gang, beginning with the redman, "(y/n) this is the redman, the man who drank lava and lived...kinda" flumpty said, the redman approached you and nodded his head, "Good to meet a new friend" he said, "Hey, you kept popping up on my computer" you said, he laughed, "Yes, well...I am rather good with hacking and programming, it's kind of something I was interested when I was more...human" he said, lookingat himself for a moment before facing you once more, "I do hope I don't come across as too intimidating" he said worridly, you smiled, "Creepy, yes, intimidating, not really, your actually very nice, it's good to meet you!" you said, he seemed so smile and nod, "Thank you" he said, "Your welcome" you said, then you walked over to a golden version of flumpty.

Golden flumpty looked to you and seemed to smile a bit, "HELLO" he said, his voice a bit distorted, "I AM FLUMPTY'S BROTHER, GOLDEN FLUMPTY" he said, you smiled and waved, "Hello, I'm (y/n) you said, he seemed very happy to meet you, "YOU KNOW (Y/N), YOU ARE THE NICEST PERSON I HAVE EVER MET" he said, you laughed, "I do try to be as nice as I can" you said, golden flumpty laughed as well, "I THINK WE WILL BE GREAT FRIENDS" he said, and you agreed, after you gave him a hug, you walked over to grunkfuss, who was half-asleep, he looked up and seen you, "Hello" you said, the clown waved, but didn't seem to fond of you, you looked away, then grunkfuss sighed and got your attention by waving his hands, "Hey" he began, "Sorry I may seem like a jerk at first, you gotts get used to that, I'm just a bit moody at times, I'm someones called gumpfuss heh" he said, you giggled at his pun.

Giggling at the pun a few more moments, grunkfuss then stood up, "I'm gonna go to bed, just remember, I think your alright, so don't think I hate you in any way, goodnight" he said, walking off, you sighed, before the owl flew down and landed on your shoulder, "Your adorable!!" you said, giving the owl a chin scratch, which he seemed to enjoy, afterwords he stayed on your shoulder, talking a bit to you about the animatronics, how they tried to swat him out of the air while he flew past them, then you saw the animatronics speaking to the other new friends of yours, before flumpty approached you, alongside him being fredbear, "I just realized something (y/n)" flumpty said, you paused, "What is it?" you said, flumpty cleared his throat before explaining.

"You see (y/n), eventually we will have new players brought here to play our game, and you can't run around looking like a normal person, you can't scare or kill anyone like that!!" he said, you realized he was right, "So what do I do?" you said, Flumpty thought, before fredbear had the answer, "I can make her into anything she wants to be, as can you, flumpty" fredbear said, flumpty then agreed, "Yes, but she needs to become something she is comfortable in" he said, you gulped, you didn't really like the idea of turning into something else, but you knew you had no choice, so you sighed in defeat.

"So what do I want to be?" you said, fredbear and flumpty looked to you, you thought and thought, before deciding to ask the animatronics and your new friends for ideas, the results and options you got were quite..interesting, but the last person you asked was bonnie, who you knew was probably one of the smartest.

"Bonnie?" you said, looking up at the purple bunny, bonnie turned around and looked at you for a moment, before turning his head to the side for a moment, "Yes (y/n)?" he said, "What should I be, for a new form, since flumpty and fredbear said I had to be something else"you said, bonnie thought, before snapping his fingers, "You can be yourself, yet have a scary jumpscare!!" he said, then after being confused, he took you and explained it to you, fredbear, and flumpty.

"So she could have like...sharp teeth, the fangs, the scary roar sound, then--like, like claws, you know, scary stuff, gosh gollie she could be scary!!, but she needs to look cuter and a bit more innocent-like, to fool the player!!" bonnie said, excited.

Flumpty thought, then nodded, "I like that idea" he said, then made you stand in front of him, then after being hit with his powers, you felt a little funny, then noticed nothing changed, except for the sharp teeth, the fangs, and the claws, "What happened to me?" you said, flumpty giggled, "You don't look much different, you look like your same innocent self...minus the new features, but just wait until they see you outside there doorway, or when you attack!" flumpty said, "But, you'll need to practice, and I can teach it to you myself!!" flumpty said, you looked at yourself one last time, cute? yes, Innocent-like? yes.

But deadly, of course.

Flumpty took you to the players room, where he placed a sandbag with a poorly-drawn smiley on the top and a little camera on the front, "I will watch you from redmans computer, it's also as he says "rigged' into the cameras the player usually sees, so I'll coach you and instruct you on your jumpscare, as well as how your supposed to look when appearing in the doorway" flumpty said, then you agreed, you stood waiting in front of where the owl usually was, "annd..begin!" flumpty said, you first stood in the corridor, "now focus on the "cam 1" room and you should teleport there" he said, you focused on that room, and then suddenly appeared there, "I did it!"  you said, realizing you had teleporting powers.

Flumpty chuckled, "Yup, and later you will see you have powers very similar to fredbear and me!! minus only I being able to be immune to the plot, and transcending time and space...buuuutt anyways, now focus on the "cam 6" room" he said, you did such and appeared there, now walk until you're in front of the players room!" he said, and you did.

"Now when you peek into the office, you have sharp teeth and fangs, so keep your teeth together and smile the biggest smile you can!" he said, you appeared in front of the players room and smiled widely, teeth showing, as well as showing your sharp claws on your hand, "VERY GOOD!" flumpty said, "Now, show me a jumpscare!" he said, you thought for a moment, before jumping towards the sandbag, your mouth open and your claws facing forward to tear the bag apart, upon impact you shredded the bag to pieces, spitting out sand, "EWW!!" you shouted, getting all the sand out of your mouth.

Flumpty and fredbear appeared in the same room, "Great job!!" flumpty said, you giggled, "thanks" you said, then blam walked up to you, "You did really good..." he began, blushing, "I..um.." he said, looking down, "What?" you said, he then looked back up to you, "Your really pretty" he said, you blushed, "Thank you.." you said, blushing a bit in return, then flumpty approached you, "Ya know" he began, "Blam may be cute, but I have another form you may like" he said, you watched as the egg man walked away, "Um..' you said, shaking your head, "What just happened?" you said to Fredbear and blam, they both just shrugged in confusion.

"Flumpty likes me? I dunno about that...blams awfully cute.."


Hey! VileVulture here! just letting you all know that I'll be doing a Onaf x reader seven minutes in heaven thing coming up next, so stay tuned!! :3

(ugh, 4:26 and is hungry...*Tries to resist food desire* *Succeeds*

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