chapter 2 bedtime story

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I waved goodbye to my son as he got on the spaceship with Balma and krillion. ( I think hat how you spell it ) "bye gohan mommy loves you!" "Bye mom!"I watch the spaceship take off. Then I fell a kick I look down "goku going to be happy when he meets you. I put my hand on my belly my "just hold on tell daddy gets here" I smile and walk into the house now all I got to do is wait.

1 month later~

We where on our way to gohan and the others. I finally get to see my "ow" son after a "ow" long time "ow" I look down and see that my water broke "GO FASTER" I yell "THE BABY COMING" yell in pain as i fell the ship going faster.

We get there I see gohan running to me "mom just hold on!" everyone gets on the ship quickly and where if to the hospital.

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