Prussia x Canada: Just hurry up and kiss me

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"Who are you?"

"I'm your owner, Canada." The quiet country murmured to the bear on his lap as he waited for Prussia to come home.

They had started dating a few months ago, but secretly they'd loved each other for years. Canada loved Prussia, despite his ego, but often found himself growing jealous of when he was with his best friends. Often referred too as the Bad Touch Trio, they were the biggest players and rebels in the entire world academy. Canada knew Prussia was staying faithful to him, but the way he flirted so nonchalantly with other nations tore at his chest. He'd wanted so many times to just rip off the albinos clothes and throw him to the bed and fuck him senseless, but every time the opportunity arose he couldn't find the courage to even speak, let alone move to do such a thing. All they ever did was kiss, and that never got very far because Prussia always found a way to leave. Maybe he didn't love him?

The idea that Prussia didn't love him was a real one, and it wasn't new. Rarely did Prussia do anything romantic with him, and it hurt. Tonight, when he came home, Canada would show him. He had the entire thing planned out in his head, Prussia walks in and he would kiss him, then when he's shocked he would confess his feelings. Then it all depends on what Prussia feels.

Canada heard the door open and he shifted on the couch. He saw the German come in, still in his dishevelled uniform from school. He was grinning wildly.

"The awesome me has returned! How is my slightly less awesome boyfriend?" The bear climbed down to the floor and padded off, Canada looked down.

Not too good.

"I'm good. How was your afternoon?"

"Ah, it was awesome. Then again, everything I do is awesome." He dumped his bag on the floor and pulled off his blazer, sighing as he did. Canada felt a bulge begin to form in his pants, did his boyfriend have to be so darn sexy?

Standing up, he walked towards Prussia, keeping his gaze down. Prussia grinned.

"Did you want something, Canada?" The country stayed quiet, all the words evaporating before they could escape. Prussia shrugged and turned around, walking towards the kitchen.

Nice going Canada.

He shook his head, he was going to do this. Now. He flung himself towards the other nation, grabbing his shirt with his fists and buried his face in the country's muscular back. Prussia stopped abruptly, lost for words.

"Canada, are you okay?"

"No!" Canada whispered. Prussia gasped.

"Why are-"

"Just listen to me... Prussia..." His body shook as he felt his knees grow weak. He sobbed loudly, he couldn't do this. He wasn't strong enough. Prussia turned around and saw Canada crying.

"Canada, what's wrong? Did something happen? It wasn't my awesomeness, was it? Canada, talk to me!" Prussia shook his shoulders, forcing him to look up. Canada's face was so cute, even when it was blotchy from crying.

"Prussia... You... Do you love me?" Prussia blinked.

"Of course I do, why-"

"Well why don't you ever show it? I love you and you say you love me but you never do anything to prove it!" Canada whispered, looking Prussia in the eye.

Prussia's mouth formed a small smile, his eyes full of emotion.

"Canada, I do love you. Don't you ever, ever think I don't. You hear? I love you." And with that he grabbed Canada's chin, pulling their lips together. Their kiss was full of passion, but when Prussia pulled away Canada couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

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