Denmark x Norway: Quiet in the library

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Authors Note: Hello everyone! Thank you to the user who requested this. I just have to say I am not all too familiar with the pairing so a lot of searching went into this. I got mixed messages though, in some Denmark was really loving and brotherly (albeit a little dominant) and in others it was full-on BDSM (which personally is what I enjoy). Hopefully I found a middle man in here! Anyway, enjoy the read! This was requested by kawaiigirl1999 and maddierusher.

Norway finished his homework from the academy and blissfully set it aside, glad it was done. Right now he was alone, sitting in the huge library of the school. As far as he was aware, everyone else had been dragged along to some party America was throwing. Not Norway however, even though Denmark tried. But for once his over-confident friend decided to let him have his way, something Norway was very relieved about.

Collecting his books he started on his way home, winding through the library's many rows when he was stopped by a person jumping out in front of him.

"Nor!" Denmark practically yelled, picking up the tiny country and crushing him in a hug, his huge axe wedged into his elbow with the edge tantalizingly close to the other nation's face.

"D-Denmark! What are you doing?" Norway asked, shocked.

"The party got boring so I came to find ya!" Norway shushed Denmark and frowned at him.

"Shut up! We are in the library, you have to be quiet!" He hissed. Denmark grinned and leant down to Norway's face, nibbling his ear. He could smell the alcohol in his breath. "Denmark! What are you doing?" Norway whispered harshly.

"Quiet, like this?" His breath brushed Norways skin as he kissed his cheek, leaving trails along his jaw as he moved down to his neck.

"D-Denmark! Stop!" Norway said a little louder, making Denmark pull away abruptly. He gazed into the smaller nations eyes, grin plastered too his mouth when he raised a hand and placed a finger on Norway's lips.

"Shush, you have to be quiet." Denmark murmured, running over Norway's lips with his fingertip. Norway was in shock and barely reacted when Denmark slid his finger into his mouth, running over his tongue. Norway realised what was happening and bit down hard, making Denmark jump. He took the opportunity to try and run when he was grabbed from behind and a hand slapped over his mouth, two fingers forcing their way inside. Norway try to yell around them but all he could manage was a loud splutter. Denmark hauled him into a dark corner and slammed him against a bookshelf, pulling out a rope from god knows where and tying his knees to the staff of his axe, using a hand to secure both his wrists above him. Norway was finally able to talk when Denmark removed his fingers, now coated in saliva.

"Denmark what the fuck are you doing?! Let me go!" Denmark laughed quietly and tutted.

"Ya have to be quiet, or we will get caught. I'm pretty sure there are other people in here." Norway blushed furiously but never the less lowered his voice.

"They'll catch what? You abusing me? Get off if you're so worried about getting caught!" Norway hissed at the nation behind him, furious with his friends behaviour.

"Just be quiet and it'll be fine." Denmark murmured in his ear before using his free hand to take his clothes off, painfully slow in doing so. After admiring the countries naked body he wasted no time in placing his mouth on the bare skin, moving down from the back of his neck, trailing down his spine and then into the crevice of his lower back. Against his better judgement Norway shivered from the attention, making Denmark smile into his body. He snaked a gloved hand between his legs, lightly stroking Norway's member, teasing him by moving slowly. Norway bit his lip, he would not give in to the other countries actions. Nevertheless he shivered violently, fighting back a moan as he felt his insides tighten in anticipation, his member throbbing with need. Denmark laughed quietly and stopped moving, turning Norway around so they were facing each other. Norway was almost disappointed that he had stopped- not that he'd ever admit it, that is.

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