How you got in

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This all started with a quick paper for her Senior project. Y/N submitted an essay for her Junior year Senior Project. The topic she chose was to research other cultures. She took a particular interest in Japanese culture and the gap between higher and lower class, which was her thesis. The essay was so interesting it was submitted to many schools, including ones in Japan.
Yuzuru Suoh heard word of this paper, but still never got his hands on it. No other school wanted him to obtain it because they were trying to get her to go to their school. He was determined to have her as a student, merely to prove he could. The praise he would get from the media would be worth it all.
Suoh contacted the Ootori family to get this paper, which took only moments, and information on the writer. The paper shocked him, for it hit many sensitive topics, but she remained neutral throughout it, until the end. Her opinion was voiced about how she spotted gaps in information and wanted to gather more for herself. He found out her financial situation and soon thought of an offer no one could refuse.

About a month later Y/N and her father were invited to a very expensive restaurant in the area. They were seated in front of a computer screen.
Soon on the screen was a man with Japanese features. "Hello my name is Yuzuru Suoh. I am the Chairman of Ouran Elite Private Academy and President of Suoh Enterprises."

Y/N didn't believe this was true, she was getting a lot of letters in the mail but she thought they were all scams... except the video call from Lobelia.

"You must be Y/N L/N." He said and she shifted uncomfortably.

"Just Y/N please Mr.Suoh, sir."

"And you must be her father. Your daughter wrote a beautiful paper about Japan and it's social culture."

er father responded, "So I've been told. Lobelia academy contacted us about this paper as well."
"Ah Lobelia. It's a nice school strictly for girls... but I believe your daughter should be mixed in with many different genders and ethnicities. At Ouran we provide English teachers and all of our students speak English, it's necessary for all trading companies use it. Not only that, the language border between our students is dissolved, since we get students from all over the world. This doesn't mean she will not learn Japanese, if she chooses to we will partner her with a fluent Japanese speaker as well."
A sigh came from Y/N, she didn't want to go for academic performance, she wanted to explore, adventure, escape."Y/N? I can tell you aren't very interested, but we won't push you too hard in your classes and there will be a therapist on campus for you. We are aware of your anxiety and depression problems, we have the best psychologists, psychiatrists, and neurologists at our disposal. The Ootori family partnered with me in covering you medically."
Shock ran through her body. "None of the other students would know...right?"
"Of course. Trust me, this is a one in a lifetime opportunity. This will get you a scholarship to any college."
Her father interrupted "How much will it be? When could I see her?"
"Sir, I'm not quite sure you understand.... We are covering everything from food, to residency, even the tickets back home for the holidays. All expenses paid."
"Exactly how good was her paper?!"
It was then decided she would attend Ouran Elite Private Academy.

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