The Foreigner

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Y/N was new.
Not only was she new she was from America.
Not only was she the new American student, she got in on a scholarship.
To top it off she was a commoner...
A new American student on a scholarship who is a commoner.
This guaranteed a large amount of unwanted attention.
It seemed like she was the main character to some shitty fan fiction.
She walked down the salmon colored hall looking for the A class homeroom, trying not to trip in the new uniform.
The uniform she was provided she actually liked. It started off at her neck with an adorable white collar, and a thin red bow wrapped around and tied in front. It soon followed with pastel yellow fabric that hugged her chest and let go around her waist. The skirt flared out, with aid from the petticoat underneath, into a bell like shape. The sleeves of the dress were very puffy at the shoulder but thinned quickly at the bicep and covered to the white cuffed wrists. The dress complemented her body nicely.
Y/N was a bit confused about the shoe ordeal. Just to make sure she was respectful, she used her black Mary Jane's for outside and her red Mary Jane's for inside and wore white stockings with both. A large red bag hung off her shoulder to carry her shoes, as well as her books. At least if she had all this attention, she would be as prepared as she possibly could.
Soon the sign for class 1A appeared and she walked in. The once rambunctious class became deathly silent and stared at her. "Hello, this is class 1A right?" In the sea of quiet stares a student walked up to her. "Yes it is! You must be the new student. My name is Fujioka, Haruhi, but you can just call me Haruhi." The student had wide round brown eyes and a delicate face. Although he wore the male uniform he came off very feminine.
"Oh um I'm L/N, F/N. I'm okay with either Y/N or N/N. It's a pleasure to meet you!"
He smiled and invited her to sit next to him. "I hope we can be friends, you see I'm the only other commoner here."
Y/N laughed a bit "Of course, we as black sheep can make our own flock."
Little did they know two students were sneaking up behind them.
"Haruhi..." One student said in a very mischievous tone.
"Who is this?" the other mimicked, but his voice was significantly higher in pitch.
The poor girl jumped and turned to see two identical boys who were currently snickering at her reaction.
"This is the new student that I suggest you don't scare away..." The doe eyed male said glaring a bit at the duo. "Y/N meet Hikaru and Karou..." The twins waved when he said their name. "Guys stop throwing her off..." Haruhi then pointed "He is Hikaru, and he is Karou."
"Awe Haruhi you're no fun..." Hikaru said. "We wanted to mix her up a bit!" Karou added on.
"The poor girl is confused enough." He defended and glared again.
"OH WAIT! Are you the American commoner?!?" They asked simultaneously.
The girl blushed from embarrassment, and once again the class became very quiet.
"You couldn't tell? My accent is pretty prominent..."
"You didn't appear to be a commoner." Karou started. "Our first commoner had a shaggy hair cut huge glasses and a poop colored sweater..." Hikaru finished.
"Guys I'm right here!" Haruhi grumbled.
"Well I think the color brown would really bring your eyes from behind any sort of frame. And a messy hair cut? That's a fad in America, they call it bed head." Y/N stated without missing a beat. She shuffled Haruhi's hair a bit and smiled. "I bet you looked fine, and these two are just fashion police."
Haruhi snorted and the twins blinked. "Fashion police?"
The American student smiled "yeah, people who pick out every part of someone's outfit making some sort of comment."
"Oh she really doesn't know who we are..." Karou said to his brother.
"We are the Hitachiin Twins. Sons of Yuzuha Hitachiin CEO and head designer of Hitachiin fashions..." Hikaru explained with an arrogant tone.
"Well, that makes sense!" she sneered in return but only jokingly.
The twins smirked, this girl is quite interesting. "If you want, you can come to music room 3 after school and see some of the company's designs."
"I can also introduce you to Suoh and Ootori." Haruhi added and you froze.
"I...I don't know...that's a bit intimidating...they both basically paid for my education this year..." she stuttered.
"Don't worry, Suoh very accepting. Ootori is a bit scary but isn't really as cold as he let's on."
Y/N thought to her self but it was the begging of the twins that made her give in. "Alright I'll visit the Music Room..."
"YAY! We get another commoner! We get another commoner!"

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