Music Room #3

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As the day progressed Y/N realized the classes were not difficult at all, nor did they prioritize education in an academic sense. All the classes had something to do with maintaining a business, or starting one. Math was financial algebra and statistics. History was about entrepreneurs and how they made a successful business. English was formal conversational. Japanese was very simplified and easy to catch on to. By the end of class she understood basic sentence structure and simple greetings. Science was Chemistry, the only class that was remotely difficult. Art class allowed such freedom with very expensive tools. It wasn't until Y/N went to English creative writing she was a bit worried. There was only ten other classmates, and the teacher was an esteemed writer in England. His only assignment was to submit one journal and four short stories every quarter.
Soon enough the end of the day came and she remembered to go to the music room. She asked her teacher "Excuse me sir, I was told to go to music room #3, could you tell me which way is best?"
He gave her detailed instructions that led her right to its doors. Her hand lightly grasped at the handle as she mustered up the courage to open up the door. Without a second to register she opened the door. A bright light and rose petals greeted her along with a "Welcome" from several of people.
These people were all dressed very stylishly. There was a blonde on the chair in a white casual vest with eggshell fur trimming and violet threading. His shirt was light grey with a white rose on it. His pants were black and his shoes were white.
Next to the blonde with a tall boy who was very Asian looking. He was dressed mainly in blacks and violets along with a bit of purple as well. His shirt had a lavender, but a dark blue almost purple stem.
On the opposite side of the blonde stood the twins. They were both dressed identically in hues of oranges and white. Both shirts had a blue and orange rose.
Behind the twins was a tall and intimidating character, who was dressed mainly in leather and thorn like accessories. On shoulders was a young boy who was dressed in different shades of white and pink. His shirt had a rabbit and his vest had a few pink rose petals.
Lastly there was Haruhi, who was dressed in red and white. All the boys had sunglasses except the small boy dressed in pink.
The twins were surprised to see the girl who walked in. "Y/N you came! We didn't think you would!"
The Asian boy with spectacles looked up surprised. "I know that name. Are you perhaps the new American student? If so I heard a lot about you and your abilities."
The blond jumped up in excitement "you're the American commoner?!" He rushed over to her and leaned in almost as if he was examining her. "I did not expect for you to be so beautiful! Let me introduce myself! My name is Tamaki Suoh! I am The King of this wonderful place we call a host club! I don't know if you have any of these in America so I'll try to explain it the best I can. Here gentlemen, with way too much time on their hands, entertain ladies who also have way too much time on their hands. Think of it as a playground for the rich and beautiful!"
Y/N leaned back slightly taken aback by his attitude.
"Oh! I just wanted to thank you and Mr. Ootori for the scholarship I was given. I didn't mean to intrude on your... host club?"
"Yes a host club! Do you have a type as in the type of guy you like? We have the, cool type, the devilish type, the wild-type, the shota type, the natural type, and then there's me the princely type. Do any of them interest you?"
"Boss, she's also here to see our mother's clothing. We invited her." The twins added in.
"I guess since you were invited it would be rude to charge you, wouldn't it?" the boy with glasses said. " I am Kyoya Ootori, a pleasure to meet you Miss L/N. I do hope our services are to your liking."
The little boy ran up to the American and hugged her "well I didn't know Americans are so pretty, do you like Japanese cake? I'm Hani and that is Mori! I think he thinks you're pretty too!"
The tall student nodded in agreement.
Haruhi walked over a smiled "I know these guys are a bit much, but they don't mean any harm."
"You are all very sweet but I do have to get going." She said as she backed away. The twins' arms hooked under each of hers and held her in place "Not so fast commoner! Today you are a guest here!" The blonde stated.
"O-Oh dear, um. Okay?"
Kyoya then began to talk. "Any host you want to request?"
"She's with us!" the twins exclaimed and dragged her over to their spot.
"I guess it's settled then... Tamaki don't look so surprised you scared her the second she walked in..."
Tamaki crouched into a corner jealous that the new guest's attention wasn't on him.
"Now Y/N by the outfits can you tell what theme the host club is today?" Karou asked smiling. He sat to the girl's right.
"Rock star? I'm not exactly sure..."
"Close!" Hikaru said "Its super model theme!" he was on her left.
Y/N's face dead panned "Why am I not surprised..."
The twins laughed and squished her in between them.
"Are you guys in host mode or something?" she questioned.
"Actually not right now." Karou stated simply, but Hikaru turned her face toward him and leaned in very close.
"Unless you want us to... our American Princess..." Hikaru purred and kept eye contact with her.
"We could, and make you turn as red as those stripes on your flag..." Karou whispered making sure to brush his lips against the outer shell of her ear.
Y/N was a flustered mess. Her face was bright red and she couldn't make a comprehensive sentence.
"O-Oh okay I think I get it, um maybe we can g-go back to b-before?" She stuttered.
"I suppose... but it's fun watching you blush." Kaoru said blatantly.
Hikaru smirked "a bit too much fun... do you want to make a deal? Well give you a week to get to know us, but at the end of seven days you need to guess which one is Hikaru."
Kaoru continued "If you win we'll do whatever you want."
"If you lose you get to be our new toy...."
A sense of shock ran over Y/N, if she wins that is a lot of power, but if she looses that is a lot of power on their part. She stuck out her hands, one for each to shake. "Deal!"

Author Note: Each day is going to be like a one shot, so they'll be short and sweet

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