Chapter 28

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Y'all so we have some birthdays, which means its time for a double. But I don't quite have the double done..? SORRY ABOUT THAT. So I made this chapter a little longer than normal.

Is that.. Alright? Again, really sorry about that.

ANYWAY; Happy birthday Jas and Aneleesa!! ^-^


Scott caught him, instantly worried. "Avi? Avi, are you okay?!"

Avi just shook his head, trying to keep himself quiet even though the tears falling down his face were screaming how much pain he was in.

Scott struggled to hold him, trying his best to only use one arm. "Alpha, talk to me. What happened at the meeting?"

Avi sniffled a little, holding onto Scott's shirt with all the strength he could. "You're all they could talk about."


Avi pushed him away, and wiped at his eyes. "You. You're all the damn Counsel wants to talk about."

Scott didn't know what to say to express how absolutely confused he was. "I don't... I don't understand."

Avi rolled his eyes, wiping even more tears, angry at himself for getting so upset. "Okay, listen, dumbass. The Counsel is amazed by you. In awe of your strength. Your agility and endurance test results, are just... Remarkable. No one in the entire Counsel building can beat them. Not even the Lead."

Scott stared at him, his blue eyes wide in shock. "O-Oh..."

Avi looked away, and crossed his arms over his chest. "I'm both jealous, and proud of you. So.. Job well done. They want to offer you a title. Not as a Lead, but when you go to work for the Counsel, they want you to have a title to represent your strength."


Kevin walked out of the hallway, because he'd heard Avi cry a little bit ago. "Alphas? I'm sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to be sure that you're okay..."

Avi gestured to the couch in front of him. "Scott, Kevin, take a seat."

Scott sat down slowly, his eyes still wide as ever.

Kevin sat beside him and scanned his face for a second. "What's wrong?"

Scott shook his head and looked up at Avi, hoping he'd explain.

Avi kept his arms crossed, and met Kevin's eyes instead of Scott's. "The Counsel is made up of the smartest Betas, the strongest Alphas, and some of the best behaved Omegas. Yes?"

"Yes, Sir." Kevin agreed immediately.

"Well... They've recruited the strongest Alphas in the world to work in this specific building. And Scott's test scores, on the physical test, are above anyone's in the entire building. So tell me what that means."

Kevin's eyes widened a little as he looked to Scott. "He's... The strongest Alpha in the entire world...?"

Avi shrugged, not having a definite answer for him. "That's what they're saying. And when we all go to work in The Counsel building, they want to offer him a title, so that everyone knows who he is."

"And that would help with outside threats. I mean, who's going to come after an organization that contains the strongest Alpha in the world?"

Avi nodded, and then looked to Scott. "Are you willing to accept that responsibility?"

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