2 years

11 2 5

"SHE SAID TO ME FORGET WHAT YOU SAW CAUSE GOOD GIRLAS ARE BAD GIRLS THAT HAVEN'T BEEN CAUGHT!!" The three girls: Manvi, Tavishi, and Faith sung along to 5 Seconds Of Summer

It was their friendiversary and they decided to spend it hanging  out and doing whatever they felt like.

when the song ended the three girls were out of breath so they laid on the couch,
"Do you guys want to order pizza? I'll pay. I'm just starving" Faith said

"Of course you are Faith." Manvi rolled her eyes and laughed

"Yeah, I'm hungry too." Tavishi said

"Alright." Faith grabbed her phone and called the pizza place, ordering a large pizza

"It should be here soon." she said

"Great!" Tavishi said

as the girls waited, they took a ton of silly selfies. the door bell rang, the three hungry girls walked to it,

Faith opened the door to see Michael, Calum, and Ashton standing their with the pizzas

"Cal!" Faith smiled when she saw her boyfriend

"Ash!!" Tavi tackled him in a hug

"Pizza!" Manvi said and snatched the box from Michael

"Okay, same." he laughed and engulfed her in a hug

"I'm kidding! I'm surprised you guys came." Manvi kissed Michael's cheek

the group moved into T he living room and ate the pizza

"Wait... where is the pizza guy? aren't I supposed to pay him?" Faith said confused

"Nope!" Calum said "We saw him and told him we'd pay so we got the pizza and surprised you."

"Aw that's so sweet of you guys!" Manvi said

"Since you guys are cherishing the friendship you guys have, how about some memories?" Ashton said

"Okay, so one time we were at the mall and faith wanted to get a picture in front of the fountain and a little boy ran past so she stepped backwards and ended up falling into the fountain." Tavishi said laughing

"That's not funny!" Faith pouted, she looked up at Calum who was holding back his laughter

"That's pretty funny." Calum said

"Manvi, remember that one time we were on the train and you were so tired you fell asleep on a ladies shoulder and cuddled her. she even tried to push you off but you would hold her tighter and mumble something about Michael." Faith said

"that was so funny!" Tavishi laughed

"I was so tired that day oh my gosh!" Manvi laughed

"Oh! Remember that one day before Tavishi dated ash when we got ice cream and she had ice cream on her nose. and when she ran into Ashton he giggled and wiped it off but when he put his hand down he accidentally swatted her ice cream out of her hand and onto the ground." Manvi said laughing

"Yes! That was adorable though!" Faith said

They all laughed, talked, and ate pizza that night.


hey guys I know I already wrote a long ass paragraph on G+ but I really miss you guys and even though we don't talk as much as we used to I still consider you guys my friends :') ily guys I still can't believe we've been friends for 2years!!!!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2016 ⏰

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